Source of Spacewar_3_1.js

» Open raw file Spacewar_3_1.js.

» See the script in action.

  Spacewar! 3.1, JS port by Norbert Landsteiner <>, March 2015.
  Updated for true implementation of the outline compiler in April 2016.
  See: <>.

  Spacewar! was conceived in 1961 by Martin Graetz, Stephen Russell, and Wayne
  Wiitanen. It was first realized on the PDP-1 in 1962 by Stephen Russell, Peter
  Samson, Dan Edwards, and Martin Graetz, together with Alan Kotok, Steve Piner,
  and Robert A Saunders. Spacewar! is in the public domain, but this credit
  paragraph must accompany all distributed versions of the program.

  The original program was written in PDP-1 assembler code, using MIT's "Macro"
  assembler: <>

  The JS implementation is intentionally close to the original, but makes use of
  modern programming techniques, like loops, objects, and floating point math.

  The script uses intentionally a subset of JavaScript that should be comprehen-
  sible to anyone familiar with C or C-type language. (Tripple comparison opera-
  tors like '===' and '!==' are checking identiy without type-coercion.)

  The use of floating math has some effects on the implementation: multiplica-
  tions and divisision will be used to transform values (rather than shifts),
  also, some scalings in the original that are translating values to screen
  co-ordinates by a shift by 8 bits will be affected, too. (The PDP-1 uses screen
  co-ordinates in fixed point representation in one's complement, 10 significant
  integer bits and 8 fractional bits, which were used for object-positions, too.)
  The function generated by the outline compiler receives positional values and
  unit vectors for its movement matrix rather as arguments than using shared
  globals. Moreover, the JS implementation generally uses count-downs rather than
  count-ups (the PDP-1 featured only an increment instruction but no decrement).
  Otherwise the implementation is a direct port and true to the original code
  (spacewar 3.1, 24 sep 62).

  Compare the code analysis at <>
  and the original program in emulation at <>.

  Requires an external display implementing
  - CRT.plot(<x>, <y>, <brightness>) ... plot a blip onto the screen, and
  - CRT.update() ... signal for final rendering at the end of each frame.

  Optionally, an external UI receives the folling notifications:
  - SpacewarUI.showScores(<score-ss1>, <score-ss2>) ... score display,
  - SpacewarUI.halted() ... game halted (call Spacewar.resume() to continue),
  - SpacewarUI.readGamepads() ... signal to check any controls on frame entry.
  SpacewarUI is only called, if found, any of these methods may be missing.
  The UI is expected to set player controls via Spacewar.setControls().
  Options may be specified as an argument to run() or anytime via setOption().

  ====================  Not intended for commercial use.  ====================

var Spacewar = (function() {
    "use strict";

    // constants for triangular math (rotation)

    var BIN_RAD_COEF = Math.PI / 51472,  // PI is 51472 (0144420 oct) in PDP-1
        TAU = Math.PI * 2;               // 2 PI

    // game settings

    var Options = {
        ANGULARMOMENTUM:  false,  // sense switch 1
        LOWGRAVITY:       false,  // sense switch 2
        SINGLESHOTS:      false,  // sense switch 3
        NOBACKGROUND:     false,  // sense switch 4
        SUNKILLS:         false,  // sense switch 5
        SUNOFF:           false,  // sense switch 6

        TESTWORDCONTROLS: false,  // use testword controls
        HALTONSCORES:     false,  // halt on scores/matches (call resume() to continue)
        FPS:                 22   // fps (original alternates between 19 and 25)

    // "interesting and often changed constants"
    // (original values in octal, not allowed in JS strict-mode, see comments)

                                                     // sym   value  unit/comment
                                                     // -------------------------------
    var torpedoSupply =                         32,  // tno     040  (number of)
        torpedoVelocity =                        4,  // tvl  sar 4s  (right shift)
        torpedoReloadTime =                     16,  // rlt     020  (frames)
        torpedoLife =                           96,  // tlf    0140  (frames)
        fuelSupply =                          8192,  // foo  020000  (per exhaust blip)
        angularAcceleration =     8 * BIN_RAD_COEF,  // maa     010  (turn, PI: 0144420)
        spaceshipAcceleration =                  4,  // sac  sar 4s  (right shift)
        starCaptureRadius =                      1,  // str      01  (greater zero)
        collisionRadius =                       48,  // me1   06000  (screen coors)
        collisionRadius2 =                      24,  // me2   03000  (above/2)
        torpedoSpaceWarpage =                    9,  // the  sar 9s  (right shift)
        hyperspaceShots =                        8,  // mhs     010  (number of)
        hyperspaceTimeBeforeBreakout =          32,  // hd1     040  (frames)
        hyperspaceTimeInBreakout =              64,  // hd2    0100  (frames)
        hyperspaceRechargeTime =               128,  // hd3    0200  (frames)
        hyperspaceDisplacement =                 9,  // hr1  scl 9s  (left shift)
        hyperspaceInducedVelocity =              4,  // hr2  scl 4s  (left shift)
        hyperspcaceUncertancy =              16384;  // hur  040000  (threshold bonus)

    // ship outline codes

    var outline1 = [           // spaceship 1 (needle)
            1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1,
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 3,
            3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 4, 6, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4,
            7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        outline2 = [           // spaceship 2 (wedge)
            0, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3,
            1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 1, 6, 3, 1, 3,
            1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 6, 1, 1, 5, 1,
            1, 1, 1, 6, 3, 3,
            3, 6, 5, 1, 1, 4,
            7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

      the screen is represented internally like the DEC type 30 display:
      1048 x 1048 at 7 intensities, origin at the center.
      while the original uses a fixed point format (fx10.18) for positions,
      floats are used in the JS implementation.
      intensities are 3 bit values, one's complement (+3 .. -3).
      higher intensities also cause bigger spot-sizes (blips).
      the original display is a point plotted device (animated display),
      meaning there's no memory or frame buffer: blips will be activated
      and fade away (in the afterglow of the Type 30 CRT's P7 phospor).

      co-ordinates are as in the PDP-1 with positive axis up and right:


      -511        0/0         +512


    // display constants (for readability)

    var SCREENWIDTH = 1024,
        QUADRANT  = COORS_MAX/2;

    // dictionary for controls (exported as property)

    var Controls = {
        SPACESHIP1:  0,
        SPACESHIP2:  1,
        LEFT:        8,
        RIGHT:       4,
        THRUST:      2,
        FIRE:        1,
        HYPERSPACE: 12,  // left + right
        RESET:      15,  // use to clear all
        ALL:        15,
        legalInputs: { 1: true, 2: true, 4: true, 8: true, 12: true, 15: true }

    // static vars

    var mtb = [],        // table of objects
        nob = 24,        // number of objects
        score1 = 0,      // score spaceship 1
        score2 = 0,      // score spaceship 2
        testword = 0,
        timer = 0,
        restartCounter = 0,
        gameCounter = 0,
        halted = false;

      The testword (var testword) represents the state of an array of switches at
      the operator's console for 18-bit input.
      If Options.TESTWORDCONTROLS is set, input propagates to spaceship controls
      as follows: "high order 4 bits, rotate ccw, rotate cw, (both mean hyperspace)
      fire rocket, and fire torpedo. Low order 4 bits, same for other ship."
      -- player 1: bits 17 .. 14 (left, right, thrust, fire)
      -- player 2: bits  3 .. 0  (left, right, thrust, fire)

      bits 5 .. 10 are related to scoring (bits 6 .. 10: number of games per match)

      bits:         17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
      usage:         -PLAYER 1-          GAMES P. MATCH SC     -PLAYER 2-
      semantics:     L  R  T  F          16  8  4  2  1        L  R  T  F
                     |  |                => 0..31 GAMES        |  |
                  HYPERSPACE                                HYPERSPACE

      SC: Show scores in single game mode or after the next game in match mode.
      (Here, scores will be displayed anyway.) If cleared, when resumed from a
      halt for the score display, scores are reset.

    // constructors (symbols/pointers of the original program in parentheses)

    function CollidibleObject() {
        this.handler = null;       //              (symbol: mtb, pointer: ml1)
        this.collidible = false;   //            (sign-bit in handler address)
        this.x = 0;                // pos x                         (nx1, mx1)
        this.y = 0;                // pos y                         (ny1, my1)
        this.dx = 0;               // delta x                       (ndx, mdx)
        this.dy = 0;               // delta y                       (ndy, mdy)
        this.counter = 0;          // time of torpedo or explosion  (na1, ma1)
        this.size = 0;             // used for explosions           (nb1, mb1)

    function Spaceship() {         // extends CollidibleObject
        this.angularMomentum = 0;  //              (symbol: nom, pointer: mom)
        this.theta = 0;            // rotation                      (nth, mth)
        this.fuel = 0;             // amount of fuel                (nfu, mfu)
        this.torpedoes = 0;        // torpedoes left                (ntr, mtr)
        this.outline = null;       // outline code                  (not, mot)
        this.hyp1 = 0;             // hyperspace: handler backup    (nh1, mh1)
        this.hyp2 = 0;             // hyperspace jumps remaining    (nh2, mh2)
        this.hyp3 = 0;             // hyperspace cooling            (nh3, mh3)
        this.hyp4 = 0;             // hyperspace uncertainty        (nh4, mh4)
        this.ctrl = 0;             // control input                 (pntr cwg)
        this.lastCtrl = 0;         // last control word             (nco, mco)
    Spaceship.prototype = new CollidibleObject();

    // main -- start a game

    function run( options ) {
        // initialize any sense switch flags (optional)
        // e.g., { SUNKILLS: true } );
        if (typeof options === 'object') {
            for (var k in options) setOption(k, options[k]);

        // start the game
        restartCounter = 0;
        if (timer) clearInterval(timer);
        timer = setInterval(frame, Math.floor(1000/Options.FPS));

    function newGame() {  /* (label a40) */
        var i, ss1, ss2;

        // clear and init table of objects (label a2)
        mtb.length = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) mtb.push( new Spaceship() );
        for (i = 2; i < nob; i++) mtb.push( new CollidibleObject() );

        // setup spaceships (label a2, a3)
        ss1 = mtb[0];
        ss2 = mtb[1];
        ss1.handler = spaceshipHandler;
        ss1.collidible = true;
        ss2.handler = spaceshipHandler;
        ss2.collidible = true;
        ss1.x =  QUADRANT;
        ss1.y =  QUADRANT;
        ss2.x = -QUADRANT;
        ss2.y = -QUADRANT;
        ss1.theta = Math.PI;
        ss2.theta = 0;
        ss1.outline = compileOutline(outline1);
        ss2.outline = compileOutline(outline2);
        ss1.torpedoes = ss2.torpedoes = torpedoSupply;
        ss1.fuel = ss2.fuel = fuelSupply;
        ss1.hyp2 = ss2.hyp2 = hyperspaceShots;
        // explosion size will be derived from this (orig: instruction count)
        ss1.size = ss2.size = 1024;

    function frame() {  /* (label a) */
        var ss1, ss2, thriving1, thriving2, endOfMatch = false;
        if (!halted) {

            // end of game and restart checks, executed at start of each frame
            // (these were external patches in version 2b)
            if (restartCounter == 0) {  /* (label a6) */
                // here after halt (scores display) or at first run
                if ((testword & 32) == 0) {
                    // clear scores on testword bit 5 zero
                    score1 = score2 = 0;
                    displayScores(); // notify UI, if found
                    // read new number of games for match play (0 .. 31)
                    gameCounter = (testword >>> 6) & 31;
            // check, if ships are alive and have any torpedoes left
            ss1 = mtb[0];
            ss2 = mtb[1];
            thriving1 = (ss1.handler === spaceshipHandler);
            thriving2 = (ss2.handler === spaceshipHandler);
            if (thriving1 && thriving2
            	&& (ss1.torpedoes > 0 || ss2.torpedoes > 0)) {
            	// reset restart-counter
                restartCounter = 2 * torpedoLife;
            else if (--restartCounter == 0) { // count down to scoring
                // count-down reached: whoever is still alive is awarded a score
                if (thriving1) score1 = (score1 + 1) % 0x3FFFF; // 18 bit overflow
                if (thriving2) score2 = (score2 + 1) % 0x3FFFF;
                displayScores(); // display scores anyway (original see below)
                // check match-play
                if (gameCounter > 0) {
                    if (--gameCounter == 0) { // count down
                        // end of a match
                        if (score1 == score2) {
                            // it's a tie, one more game
                            gameCounter = 1;
                        else {
                            endOfMatch = true;
                // halt (to show scores), if match over or bit 5 in testword set,
                // else start over
                if (endOfMatch || (testword & 32)) {
                    // original puts score 1 into AC and score 2 in IO and halts
                    // displayScores();
                    if (Options.HALTONSCORES) {
                        halted = true;
                        haltSignal(); // notify UI, if found
                    return; // we'll resume at the top, since restartCounter is still zero
                else {
                    // no special case, restart the game
                    restartCounter = 1; // not in original (fix resume-after-halt logic)

            // finally advance to the main loop ...
            // (in the original program input is read at the start of each spaceship handler)
            // read special input (normally expected to be set by 'Spacewar.setControls()')
            if (Options.TESTWORDCONTROLS) {
                // map testword bits to spaceship controls
                mtb[0].ctrl = (testword >> 14) & 15;
                mtb[1].ctrl = testword & 15;
        CRT.update(); // external UI, not in original

    function mainLoop() {  /* (label ml0, ml1) */
        var obj1, obj2, nnn = nob - 1;
        // loop over objects
        for (var i = 0; i < nnn; i++) {
            obj1 = mtb[i];
            // is it active?
            if (obj1.handler) {
                // can it colide?
                if (obj1.collidible) {
                    // comparison loop
                    for (var j = i + 1; j < nob; j++) {
                        obj2 = mtb[j];
                        // collidible?
                        if (obj2.collidible) {
                            // evaluate object distances by an octogonal hitbox or proximity
                            var dx = Math.abs(obj1.x - obj2.x);
                            if (dx  < collisionRadius) {
                                var dy = Math.abs(obj1.y - obj2.y);
                                if (dy < collisionRadius && dx + dy < collisionRadius2) {
                                    // explode
                                    obj1.handler = obj2.handler = explosionHandler;
                                    obj1.collidible = obj2.collidible = false;
                                    // set up explosion time & size
                                    obj1.counter = obj2.counter = (obj1.size + obj2.size - 1) >> 8;
                // call the object's method
        // handle last object, if any
        obj1 = mtb[nnn];
        if (obj1.handler) obj1.handler();

        if (!Options.NOBACKGROUND) ExpensivePlanetarium.update(); // background stars
        if (!Options.SUNOFF) drawHeavyStar();    // gravtational star ("sun")

    // object handlers, this-object is current object (see mainLoop)

    function spaceshipHandler() {  /* (label sr0) */
        var am, sin, cos, bx, by, t1, t2,
            sx1, sy1, stx, sty, p,
            scn, ssc, ssm, ssn, ssd, csn, csm, scm,
            src, torp, m, f,
            thrusting = false;
        // rotation
        am = this.angularMomentum;
        if (this.ctrl & Controls.LEFT)  am += angularAcceleration;
        if (this.ctrl & Controls.RIGHT) am -= angularAcceleration;
        if (Options.ANGULARMOMENTUM) {
            this.angularMomentum = am;
        else {
            this.angularMomentum = 0;
            am *= 128; // 1<<7
        this.theta += am;
        // limit to +/- 2*PI
        if (this.theta > TAU) {
            this.theta -= TAU;
        else if (this.theta < -TAU) {
            this.theta += TAU;
        sin = Math.sin(this.theta);
        bx = by = 0;
        // gravity computations
        if (!Options.SUNOFF) {
            t1 = this.x / 8;
            t2 = this.y / 8;
            t1 = t1 * t1 + t2 * t2;
            if (t1 < starCaptureRadius) { // in sun (label pof)
                this.dx = this.dy = 0;
                if (Options.SUNKILLS) { // explode (label po1)
                    this.handler = explosionHandler;
                    this.collidible = false;
                    this.counter = 8;
                else { // set ship to "anti pode"
                    this.x = this.y = COORS_MAX;
            t1 = (Math.sqrt(t1) * t1) / 2;
            if (!Options.LOWGRAVITY) t1 /= 4;
            bx = -this.x / t1;
            by = -this.y / t1;
        // ... and back to business ...
        cos = Math.cos(this.theta);
        // rockets fired?
        if ((this.ctrl & Controls.THRUST) && this.fuel) {
            f = 1 << spaceshipAcceleration; // use div instead of right shift
            by += cos / f;
            bx -= sin / f;
            thrusting = true;
        // update positions
        this.dy += by;
        this.y  += this.dy / 8;
        this.dx += bx;
        this.x  += this.dx / 8;
        // half a ship's length
        ssn = sin * 16;
        scn = cos * 16;
        // outline start pos (stern, ahead of center)
        sx1 = this.x - ssn;
        sy1 = this.y + scn;
        // torpedoes will show up here
        stx = sx1 - ssn;
        sty = sy1 + scn;
        // draw the ship and update drawing pos to end of outline
        ssn = sin;
        scn = cos;
        ssm = ssn;
        ssc = ssn + scn;
        ssd = ssc;
        csn = ssn - scn;
        csm = -csn;
        scm = scn;
        p = this.outline(sx1, sy1, ssn, scn, ssm, ssc, ssd, csn, csm, scm);
        sx1 = p.x;
        sy1 = p.y;
        // draw exhausts
        if (thrusting) {
            src = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16);
            ssn = sin * 2;
            scn = cos * 2;
            // fuel consumption is a function of the blast's length!
            while (this.fuel > 0 && --src > 1) {
                sx1 += ssn;
                sy1 -= scn;
                plot (sx1, sy1, 0);
        if (this.counter > 0) { // torpedo cooling
        else if ( // fire, no single-shot-lock, and torpedoes left?
            (this.ctrl & Controls.FIRE)
            && (!Options.SINGLESHOTS || !(this.lastCtrl & Controls.FIRE))
            && this.torpedoes
        ) {
            // find empty object and set up the torpedo
            for (m = 2; m < nob; m++) {
                if (!mtb[m].handler) {
                    torp = mtb[m];
                    torp.handler = torpedoHandler;
                    torp.collidible = true;
                    torp.x = stx;
                    torp.y = sty;
                    f = 1 << torpedoVelocity; // use div instead of right shift
                    torp.dx = this.dx - sin * 512 / f;
                    torp.dy = this.dy + cos * 512 / f;
                    torp.size = 16;
                    torp.counter = torpedoLife;
                    this.counter = torpedoReloadTime;
        // hyperspace
        if (this.hyp3 > 0) { // cooling
        else if (this.hyp2 > 0) { // jumps remaining?
            // are controls for left and right set and was neither of them set before?
            // (last condition is thought to inhibit accidental jumps.
            //  ignored in original, since the last control word is never saved,
            //  works out as "if (this.ctrl) & Controls.HYPERSPACE)".)
            if ((((~this.ctrl) | this.lastCtrl) & Controls.HYPERSPACE) == 0) {
                this.hyp1 = this.handler;
                this.handler = hyperspaceHandler;
                this.collidible = false;
                this.counter = hyperspaceTimeBeforeBreakout;
                // this.size = 3; // not used here
        // store last control word (missing in original)
        this.lastCtrl = this.ctrl;

    function toroidalize(obj) {
        // util for toroidal space (in original maintained by word length)
        if (obj.x <= -COORS_MAX) {
            obj.x += SCREENWIDTH;
        else if (obj.x > COORS_MAX) {
            obj.x -= SCREENWIDTH;
        if (obj.y <= -COORS_MAX) {
            obj.y += SCREENWIDTH;
        else if (obj.y > COORS_MAX) {
            obj.y -= SCREENWIDTH;

    function explosionHandler() {  /* (label mex) */
        var x, y, mxc, f;
        this.y += this.dy / 8;
        this.x += this.dx / 8;
        // particles
        mxc = this.size >> 3;
        do {
              1) set up number of right shifts: (mxc > 96)? 1:3
              2) set up number of left shifts: random number int 0..9
              (shifts apply to a combined 36-bit register, 18 bits x and y each,
               sign preserved in x. [x = AC, y = IO])
              3) set x and y to signed 9-bit random numbers
              4) apply right shifts (combined registers)
              5) apply left shifts (combined registers)
              6) add to position and display it
              (only bits 17..9 (hsb-first) are significant for co-ordinates)

              using floats, we apply mult/div instead of shifts:
              mult/div factors are 1 << n.
              any sign flips in y are ignored (just a random number).
            f = (1 << Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)) / ((mxc > 96)? 2:8);
            x = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2 * f;
            y = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2 * f;
            plot(this.x + x, this.y + y, 3);
        } while (--mxc > 0);
        if (--this.counter <= 0) this.handler = null;

    function torpedoHandler() {  /* (label trc) */
        if (--this.counter < 0) {
            // time fuse
            this.counter = 2;
            this.handler = explosionHandler;
            this.collidible = false;
        else {  /* (label t1c) */
            this.dy += this.x / (512 * (1 << torpedoSpaceWarpage));
            this.y += this.dy / 8;
            this.dx += this.y / (512 * (1 << torpedoSpaceWarpage));
            this.x += this.dx / 8;
            plot(this.x, this.y, 1);

    function hyperspaceHandler() {
        // "this routine handles a non-colliding ship invisibly in hyperspace"
        if (--this.counter == 0) { // spend time in hyperspace ...
             // zero, set up next step
             this.handler = hyperspaceHandler2;
             // this.size = 7; // not used here
             // set up displacement
             this.x += (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * (1 << hyperspaceDisplacement);
             this.y += (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * (1 << hyperspaceDisplacement);
             toroidalize(this); // maintain toroidal space (not in original)
             // add induced velocity
             this.dx += (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * (1 << hyperspaceInducedVelocity);
             this.dy += (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * (1 << hyperspaceInducedVelocity);
             // set up a random rotation
             this.theta = TAU * Math.random();
             // original adds some instructions to keep it in bounds of 0 .. 2 PI
             this.counter = hyperspaceTimeInBreakout;

    function hyperspaceHandler2() {
        // "this routine handles a ship breaking out of hyperspace"
        if (--this.counter > 0) {
            // spend time in breakout, display a blip
            plot(this.x, this.y, 2);
        else {
            // zero, now check, restore spaceship handler
            this.handler = this.hyp1;
            this.collidible = true;
            this.size = 1024;
            if (this.hyp2 > 0) this.hyp2--; // decrement remaining jumps
            this.hyp3 = hyperspaceRechargeTime;
            // now check, if we break on re-entry (Mark One Hyperfield Generators ...)
            this.hyp4 += hyperspcaceUncertancy;
            var r = ((Math.random() * (1 << 20)) | 0) & 0x1FFFF; // 17-bits random
            if (this.hyp4 >= r) { // explode
                this.handler = explosionHandler;
                this.collidible = false;
                this.counter = 10;

    // outline compiler, returns anonymous function
    // variables are rather passed to the resulting function as arguments than shared as globals
    // when called: f(sx1, sy1, ssn, scn, ssm, ssc, ssd, csn, csm, scm)
    // generated function returns object { "x": x, "y": y },
    // where x, y are the coors of the last plot position to be used for sx1 and sy1 respectively.

    function compileOutline(outline) { // (label oc)
        var i = 0,
            scan = true,
            max = outline.length,
            oc; // oc: function body of compiled outline code

        function comtab(a, b) {
            oc += 'x += ' + a + ';\n' +
                  'y += ' + b + ';\n' +
                  'plot(x, y, 0);\n';

        // compile the function body for plotting the given outline
        // the compiled code represents an unrolled loop in two passes for drawing a side a time
        // code 7 marks the end of the code and initiates the second pass to draw the other side
        // local values passed as arguments:
        //   sx1, sy1: spaceship coors;
        //   ssn, scn, ssm, ssc, ssd, csn, csm, scm: matrix of offsets derived from unit vector

        oc = 'var x, y, stored, xs, ys, t, secondPass = false;\n' +
             'for (;;) {\n' +
             'x = sx1; y = sy1; stored = false;\n';

        while (scan) {
            switch (outline[i++]) {
                case 0: // fall through
                case 1: // advance to rear and plot
                    comtab('ssn', '-scn');
                case 2: // advance outwards and plot
                    comtab('scm', 'ssm');
                case 3: // advance to rear and outwards and plot
                    comtab('ssc', '-csm');
                case 4: // advance inwards and plot
                    comtab('-scm', '-ssm');
                case 5: // advance to rear and inwards and plot
                    comtab('csn', '-ssd');
                case 6: // store/restore position
                    oc += 'if (stored) { x = xs; y = ys; } else { xs = x; ys = y; }\n' +
                          'stored = !stored;\n';
                case 7: // end of code: do mirrored second pass or break out to return
                    oc += 'if (secondPass) break;\n' +
                          'scm = -scm;\n' +
                          'ssm = -ssm;\n' +
                          't = csm;\n' +
                          'csm = ssd\n;' +
                          'ssd = t;\n' +
                          't = ssc;\n' +
                          'ssc = csn;\n' +
                          'csn = t;\n' +
                          'secondPass = true;\n';
                    scan = false;
            if (scan && i === max) { // warn and fix corrupted outline (not in original)
                console.warn('Outline Compiler: Outline without code 7!');

        // code to close the loop executing a pass and to return the last plotting position
        oc += '}\n' +
       	      'return { "x": x, "y": y };\n';

        // return the generated function
        return eval( '(function(sx1, sy1, ssn, scn, ssm, ssc, ssd, csn, csm, scm) {' + oc + '});' );

// alternate outline interpreter, takes array of outline codes as the first argument

    function drawOutline(oc, sx1, sy1, ssn, scn, ssm, ssc, ssd, csn, csm, scm) {
        // (lable oc => properties 'not', 'not+1')
        var pass1 = true,
            mark = false,
            x = sx1,
            y = sx2,
            i = 0,
            max = oc.length,
            mx, my, t;

        while (i < max) {
            var x1=x, y1=y;
            switch (oc[i++]) {
                case 0: // fall through
                case 1:    // down
                    x += ssn;
                    y -= scn;
                    plot(x, y, 0);
                case 2:  // right
                    x += scm;
                    y += ssm;
                    plot(x, y, 0);
                case 3:    // down right
                    x += ssc;
                    y -= csm;
                    plot(x, y, 0);
                case 4: // left
                    x -= scm;
                    y -= ssm;
                    plot(x, y, 0);
                case 5:    // down left
                    x += csn;
                    y -= ssd;
                    plot(x, y, 0);
                case 6: // store/restore position
                    if (mark) {
                        x = mx;
                        y = my;
                    else {
                        mx = x;
                        my = y;
                    mark = !mark;
                case 7: // mirror / return
                    if (pass1) {
                        // flip matrix horizontally
                        scm = -scm;
                        ssm = -ssm;
                        t = csm;
                        csm = ssd;
                        ssd = t;
                        t = ssc;
                        ssc = csn;
                        csn = t;
                        // start over
                        i = 0;
                        x = sx1;
                        y = sx2;
                        pass1 = false;
                        mark = false; // fix any orphaned codes 6 (not in original)
                    else {
                        // return last plotting position
                        return {
                            'x': x,
                            'y': y
        // failsafe return -- not in original, we should have returned at code 7 before!
        return {
            'x': x,
            'y': y

    // draw the gravitational star

    function drawHeavyStar() { // (label blp)
        var x = 0,
            y = 0,
            bx = Math.random() * 2 -1,
            by = Math.random() * 2 -1,
            l = 16 - Math.floor(Math.random()*8),

        function starp() {
            x += bx;
            y += by;
            plot(x, y, 0);

        plot(x, y, 0);
        for (i = 0; i < l; i++) starp();
        x = -x;
        y = -y;
        for (i = 0; i < l; i++) starp();

    // the program in the program ...

    var ExpensivePlanetarium = (function() {
        "use strict";

        // "background display 3/13/62, prs."

        // config
        var NOSKIP     = false,   // opt out of skip of every 2nd frame
            INTERLACED = false;   // Spacewar 2b - mode

        // static vars
        var m1,            // Magnitude('1j') (defined below the star data)
            m2,            // Magnitude('2j')
            m3,            // Magnitude('3j')
            m4,            // Magnitude('4j')
            bcc = 0,       // frame skip counter (spacewar 3.1 mode)
            bkc = 0,       // step counter
            fpr = 4096;    // (010000) right frame margin, map center

        // dimensional constants (for readability)
        var SCREEN_WIDTH = 1024,
            MAP_WIDTH = 8192;  // range of x-domain (0 .. 020000)

        // constructor, in original an assembler macro

        function Magnitude(label) {
            var data = stars[label];
            this.coors = [];  // star data
            this.cursor = 0;  // data cursor (label flo, initialized to offset J)

            // transform coors (like macro "mark")
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i+=2) {
                // x-coor: max - x (flip horizontally)
                this.coors.push(MAP_WIDTH - data[i]);
                // y-coor here as is (orig. prepares for display instructions)
                this.coors.push(data[i + 1]);
            data = null;

        Magnitude.prototype.dislis = function(b) { /* (macro dislis) */
            // scans stars, displays on-screen ones,
            // limits scan per frame by cursor-pos. (stars are ordered by x-coors)
            // the original implementation loops over a subset of the entire set
            // of coordinates, in bounds of offsets J and Q+2 (Q: index of last x)
            // here, coors are private, J is always zero and Q+2 is coors.length.
            // argument b: brightness (display intensity).

            var didPlot = false,         // (program flag 5)
                startIdx = this.cursor,  // data index on entry (label fpo)
                cx = this.cursor,        // data pos x-coor (label fin)
                cy = this.cursor + 1,    // data pos y-coor (label fyn)
                sx;                      // screen x-coor (just AC in original)

            for (;;) { // loop over coors (label fin)
                // prepare the screen x-coordinate for display
                sx = this.coors[cx] - fpr; // x-coor - right margin
                // check, if inbounds to the right
                if (sx >= 0) { // off-screen, try wrap/overlap (label fgr)
                    sx = -MAP_WIDTH + SCREEN_WIDTH;
                else {
                    sx += SCREEN_WIDTH;
                // check, if inbounds to the left (label frr, fou)
                if (sx <= 0) { // off-screen to the left (label fuu)
                    // did we plot any?
                    if (didPlot) break;
                    // since the view moves from right to left, we won't inspect it in
                    // the next run again, advance the data cursor (start with next star)
                    this.cursor += 2;
                    // the original loops over offsets J .. Q+2
                    if (this.cursor == this.coors.length) this.cursor = 0;
                else { // on-screen (0 >= sx > SCREEN_WIDTH)
                    // display it (label fie)
                    plot(sx - HALFSCREEN, this.coors[cy], b); // in main
                    didPlot = true;
                // next star (label fid)
                if (cy == this.coors.length) { // data wrap-around (label flp; length: Q+2)
                    // did we start at 0 (have we seen all)?
                    if (startIdx == 0) break; // in original offset J, here always zero
                    // no, start over with first star
                    cx = 0;  // in original offset J, here always zero
                    cy = 1;  // in original J+1
                else {
                    // have we performed a full wrap (seen all)?
                    if (cy == startIdx) break;
                    // continue with next star (next pair of coors)
                    cx = cy;

        function update() { /* main method ( label bck ) */
            // two implementations: once as in sw 3.1 and once as in sw 2b
            if (!INTERLACED) {
                // spacewar 3.1: stars modulated by display intensities
                // displays every second frame only (opt-out option not in original code)
                if (!NOSKIP) {
                    if (++bcc < 0) return;
                    bcc = -2;
                // advance every 32nd frame (every 16th display frame)
                if (++bkc >= 0) {
                    bkc = (NOSKIP)? -32 : -16;
                    if (fpr < 0) fpr += MAP_WIDTH; // reset right margin (8192)
            else {
                // spacewar 2b: stars modulated by frequency of update
                // (requires emulation of P7 phosphor, speed options not implemented)
                if (bcc & 1) m3.dislis(0);
                if (bcc & 3 != 0) m4.dislis(0);
                m1.dislis(0); // display first magnitude again (brightest)
                bcc %= 4;     // not in the original code (wraps around by overflow)
                // advance every 32nd frame
                if (++bkc >= 0) {
                    bkc = -32;
                    if (fpr < 0) fpr += MAP_WIDTH; // reset right margin

        // API methods (exported)

        function setOption(key, v) {
            var k = String(key).toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z0-9]/g, '');
            switch (k) {
                case 'FRAMESKIP':
                    v = !v; // fall through
                case 'NOSKIP':
                    if (NOSKIP && bkc < -16) bkc += 16;
                    NOSKIP = Boolean(v);
                case 'INTERLACED':
                case 'SPACEWAR2B':
                    INTERLACED = Boolean(v);
                    bcc = bkc = 0;

        function reset() {
            fpr = 4096;
            bcc = bkc = 0;

          star data: "stars by prs 3/13/62 for s/w 2b"

          stars of 1st to 4th magnitude (1j .. 4j) of segment 22.5 deg N to 22.5 deg S
          data order: x, y (ascending by x), x-range: 0 .. 8192, y-range: -511 .. +512
          units: screen coors, x: offset from right margin, y: N (top) < 0 < S (bottom)
          (y-domain scaled to internal screen representation, x-domain proportional.)

        var stars = {
            '1j': [
                1537,  371, //  87 Taur, Aldebaran
                1762, -189, //  19 Orio, Rigel
                1990,  168, //  58 Orio, Betelgeuze
                2280, -377, //   9 CMaj, Sirius
                2583,  125, //  10 CMin, Procyon
                3431,  283, //  32 Leon, Regulus
                4551, -242, //  67 Virg, Spica
                4842,  448, //  16 Boot, Arcturus
                6747,  196  //  53 Aqil, Altair
            '2j': [
                1819,  143, //  24 Orio, Bellatrix
                1884,  -29, //  46 Orio
                1910,  -46, //  50 Orio
                1951, -221, //  53 Orio
                2152, -407, //   2 CMaj
                2230,  375, //  24 Gemi
                3201, -187, //  30 Hyda, Alphard
                4005,  344, //  94 Leon, Denebola
                5975,  288  //  55 Ophi
            '3j': [
                  46,  333, //  88 Pegs, Algenib
                 362, -244, //  31 Ceti
                 490,  338, //  99 Pisc
                 566, -375, //  52 Ceti
                 621,  462, //   6 Arie
                 764,  -78, //  68 Ceti, Mira
                 900,   64, //  86 Ceti
                1007,   84, //  92 Ceti
                1243, -230, //  23 Erid
                1328, -314, //  34 Erid
                1495,  432, //  74 Taur
                1496,  356, //  78 Taur
                1618,  154, //   1 Orio
                1644,   52, //   8 Orio
                1723, -119, //  67 Erid
                1755, -371, //   5 Leps
                1779, -158, //  20 Orio
                1817,  -57, //  28 Orio
                1843, -474, //   9 Leps
                1860,   -8, //  34 Orio
                1868, -407, //  11 Leps
                1875,  225, //  39 Orio
                1880, -136, //  44 Orio
                1887,  480, // 123 Taur
                1948, -338, //  14 Leps
                2274,  296, //  31 Gemi
                2460,  380, //  54 Gemi
                2470,  504, //  55 Gemi
                2513,  193, //   3 CMin
                2967,  154, //  11 Hyda
                3016,  144, //  16 Hyda
                3424,  393, //  30 Leon
                3496,  463, //  41 Leon, Algieba
                3668, -357, //  nu Hyda
                3805,  479, //  68 Leon
                3806,  364, //  10 Leon
                4124, -502, //   2 Corv
                4157, -387, //   4 Corv
                4236, -363, //   7 Corv
                4304,  -21, //  29 Virg
                4384,  90,  //  43 Virg
                4421,  262, //  47 Virg
                4606,   -2, //  79 Virg
                4721,  430, //   8 Boot
                5037, -356, //   9 Libr
                5186, -205, //  27 Libr
                5344,  153, //  24 Serp
                5357,  358, //  28 Serp
                5373,  -71, //  32 Serp
                5430, -508, //   7 Scor
                5459, -445, //   8 Scor
                5513,  -78, //   1 Ophi
                5536, -101, //   2 Ophi
                5609,  494, //  27 Herc
                5641, -236, //  13 Ophi
                5828, -355, //  35 Ophi
                5860,  330, //  64 Herc
                5984, -349, //  55 Serp
                6047,   63, //  62 Ophi
                6107, -222, //  64 Ophi
                6159,  217, //  72 Ophi
                6236,  -66, //  58 Serp
                6439, -483, //  37 Sgtr
                6490,  312, //  17 Aqil
                6491, -115, //  16 Aqil
                6507, -482, //  41 Sgtr
                6602,   66, //  30 Aqil
                6721,  236, //  50 Aqil
                6794,  437, //  12 Sgte
                6862,  -25, //  65 Aqil
                6914, -344, //   9 Capr
                7014,  324, //   6 Dlph
                7318, -137, //  22 Aqar
                7391,  214, //   8 Pegs
                7404, -377, //  49 Capr
                7513,  -18, //  34 Aqar
                7539,  130, //  26 Pegs
                7644,  -12, //  55 Aqar
                7717,  235, //  42 Pegs
                7790, -372, //  76 Aqar
                7849,  334  //  54 Pegs, Markab
            '4j': [
                   1, -143, //  33 Pisc
                  54,  447, //  89 Pegs
                  54, -443, //   7 Ceti
                  82, -214, //   8 Ceti
                 223, -254, //  17 Ceti
                 248,  160, //  63 Pisc
                 273,  -38, //  20 Ceti
                 329,  167, //  71 Pisc
                 376,  467, //  84 Pisc
                 450, -198, //  45 Ceti
                 548,  113, // 106 Pisc
                 570,  197, // 110 Pisc
                 595, -255, //  53 Ceti
                 606, -247, //  55 Ceti
                 615,  428, //   5 Arie
                 617,   61, //  14 Pisc
                 656, -491, //  59 Ceti
                 665,   52, // 113 Pisc
                 727,  191, //  65 Ceti
                 803, -290, //  72 Ceti
                 813,  182, //  73 Ceti
                 838, -357, //  76 Ceti
                 878,   -2, //  82 Ceti
                 907, -340, //  89 Ceti
                 908,  221, //  87 Ceti
                 913, -432, //   1 Erid
                 947, -487, //   2 Erid
                 976, -212, //   3 Erid
                 992,  194, //  91 Ceti
                1058,  440, //  57 Arie
                1076,  470, //  58 Arie
                1087, -209, //  13 Erid
                1104,   68, //  96 Ceti
                1110, -503, //  16 Erid
                1135,  198, //   1 Taur
                1148,  214, //   2 Taur
                1168,  287, //   5 Taur
                1170, -123, //  17 Erid
                1185, -223, //  18 Erid
                1191, -500, //  19 Erid
                1205,    2, //  10 Taur
                1260, -283, //  26 Erid
                1304,  -74, //  32 Erid
                1338,  278, //  35 Taur
                1353,  130, //  38 Taur
                1358,  497, //  37 Taur
                1405, -162, //  38 Erid
                1414,  205, //  47 Taur
                1423,  197, //  49 Taur
                1426, -178, //  40 Erid
                1430,  463, //  50 Taur
                1446,  350, //  54 Taur
                1463,  394, //  61 Taur
                1470,  392, //  64 Taur
                1476,  502, //  65 Taur
                1477,  403, //  68 Taur
                1483,  350, //  71 Taur
                1485,  330, //  73 Taur
                1495,  358, //  77 Taur
                1507,  364, //
                1518,   -6, //  45 Erid
                1526,  333, //  86 Taur
                1537,  226, //  88 Taur
                1544,  -81, //  48 Erid
                1551,  280, //  90 Taur
                1556,  358, //  92 Taur
                1557, -330, //  53 Erid
                1571, -452, //  54 Erid
                1596,  -78, //  57 Erid
                1622,  199, //   2 Orio
                1626,  124, //   3 Orio
                1638, -128, //  61 Erid
                1646,  228, //   7 Orio
                1654,  304, //   9 Orio
                1669,   36, //  10 Orio
                1680, -289, //  64 Erid
                1687, -167, //  65 Erid
                1690, -460, //
                1690,  488, // 102 Taur
                1700,  347, //  11 Orio
                1729,  352, //  15 Orio
                1732, -202, //  69 Erid
                1750, -273, //   3 Leps
                1753,   63, //  17 Orio
                1756, -297, //   4 Leps
                1792, -302, //   6 Leps
                1799, -486, //
                1801,  -11, //  22 Orio
                1807,   79, //  23 Orio
                1816, -180, //  29 Orio
                1818,   40, //  25 Orio
                1830,  497, // 114 Taur
                1830,   69, //  30 Orio
                1851,  134, //  32 Orio
                1857,  421, // 119 Taur
                1861, -168, //  36 Orio
                1874,  214, //  37 Orio
                1878, -138, //
                1880, -112, //  42 Orio
                1885,  210, //  40 Orio
                1899,  -60, //  48 Orio
                1900,   93, //  47 Orio
                1900, -165, //  49 Orio
                1909,  375, // 126 Taur
                1936, -511, //  13 Leps
                1957, 287,  // 134 Taur
                1974, -475, //  15 Leps
                1982,  461, //  54 Orio
                2002, -323, //  16 Leps
                2020,  -70, //
                2030,  220, //  61 Orio
                2032, -241, //   3 Mono
                2037,  458, //  62 Orio
                2057, -340, //  18 Leps
                2059,  336, //  67 Orio
                2084,  368, //  69 Orio
                2084,  324, //  70 Orio
                2105, -142, //   5 Mono
                2112, -311, //
                2153,  106, //   8 Mono
                2179,  462, //  18 Gemi
                2179, -107, //  10 Mono
                2184, -159, //  11 Mono
                2204,  168, //  13 Mono
                2232, -436, //   7 CMaj
                2239, -413, //   8 CMaj
                2245, -320, //
                2250,  227, //  15 Mono
                2266,  303, //  30 Gemi
                2291,   57, //  18 Mono
                2327,  303, //  38 Gemi
                2328, -457, //  15 CMaj
                2330, -271, //  14 CMaj
                2340, -456, //  19 CMaj
                2342, -385, //  20 CMaj
                2378,  -93, //  19 Mono
                2379,  471, //  43 Gemi
                2385, -352, //  23 CMaj
                2428,   -8, //  22 Mono
                2491, -429, //
                2519,  208, //   4 CMin
                2527,  278, //   6 CMin
                2559, -503, //
                2597, -212, //  26 Mono
                2704, -412, //
                2709,  -25, //  28 Mono
                2714,   60, //
                2751,  -61, //  29 Mono
                2757, -431, //  16 Pupp
                2768, -288, //  19 Pupp
                2794,  216, //  17 Canc
                2848,  -82, //
                2915,  138, //   4 Hyda
                2921,   84, //   5 Hyda
                2942, -355, //   9 Hyda
                2944,  497, //  43 Canc
                2947,   85, //   7 Hyda
                2951, -156, //
                2953,  421, //  47 Canc
                2968, -300, //  12 Hyda
                2976,  141, //  13 Hyda
                3032,  279, //  65 Canc
                3124,   62, //  22 Hyda
                3157, -263, //  26 Hyda
                3161, -208, //  27 Hyda
                3209,  -53, //  31 Hyda
                3225,  -17, //  32 Hyda
                3261,  116, //
                3270,  -16, //  35 Hyda
                3274, -316, //  38 Hyda
                3276,  236, //  14 Leon
                3338, -327, //  39 Hyda
                3385,  194, //  29 Leon
                3415, -286, //  40 Hyda
                3428,  239, //  31 Leon
                3429,    3, //  15 Sext
                3446, -270, //  41 Hyda
                3495,  455, //  40 Leon
                3534, -372, //  42 Hyda
                3557,   -3, //  30 Sext
                3570,  223, //  47 Leon
                3726, -404, //  al Crat
                3736,  -44, //  61 Leon
                3738,  471, //  60 Leon
                3754,  179, //  63 Leon
                3793, -507, //  11 Crat
                3821,  -71, //  74 Leon
                3836, -324, //  12 Crat
                3846,  150, //  77 Leon
                3861,  252, //  78 Leon
                3868, -390, //  15 Crat
                3935, -211, //  21 Crat
                3936,   -6, //  91 Leon
                3981, -405, //  27 Crat
                3986,  161, //   3 Virg
                3998,  473, //  93 Leon
                4013,   53, //   5 Virg
                4072,  163, //   8 Virg
                4097,  211, //   9 Virg
                4180,   -3, //  15 Virg
                4185,  418, //  11 Coma
                4249, -356, //   8 Corv
                4290, -170, //  26 Virg
                4305,  245, //  30 Virg
                4376, -205, //  40 Virg
                4403,  409, //  36 Coma
                4465, -114, //  51 Virg
                4466,  411, //  42 Coma
                4512, -404, //  61 Virg
                4563, -352, //  69 Virg
                4590, -131, //  74 Virg
                4603,   95, //  78 Virg
                4679,  409, //   4 Boot
                4691,  371, //   5 Boot
                4759,   46, //  93 Virg
                4820,   66, //
                4822, -223, //  98 Virg
                4840, -126, //  99 Virg
                4857, -294, // 100 Virg
                4864,  382, //  20 Boot
                4910,  -41, // 105 Virg
                4984,  383, //  29 Boot
                4986,  322, //  30 Boot
                4994, -119, // 107 Virg
                5009,  396, //  35 Boot
                5013,   53, // 109 Virg
                5045,  444, //  37 Boot
                5074,  -90, //  16 Libr
                5108,   57, // 110 Virg
                5157, -442, //  24 Libr
                5283, -221, //  37 Libr
                5290, -329, //  38 Libr
                5291,  247, //  13 Serp
                5326, -440, //  43 Libr
                5331,  455, //  21 Serp
                5357,  175, //  27 Serp
                5372,  420, //  35 Serp
                5381,  109, //  37 Serp
                5387,  484, //  38 Serp
                5394, -374, //  46 Libr
                5415,  364, //  41 Serp
                5419, -318, //  48 Libr
                5455, -253, //  xi Scor
                5467, -464, //   9 Scor
                5470, -469, //  10 Scor
                5497, -437, //  14 Scor
                5499, -223, //  15 Scor
                5558,   29, //  50 Serp
                5561,  441, //  20 Herc
                5565, -451, //   4 Ophi
                5580,  325, //  24 Herc
                5582, -415, //   7 Ophi
                5589, -186, //   3 Ophi
                5606, -373, //   8 Ophi
                5609,   50, //  10 Ophi
                5610, -484, //   9 Ophi
                5620,  266, //  29 Herc
                5713, -241, //  20 Ophi
                5742,  235, //  25 Ophi
                5763,  217, //  27 Ophi
                5807,  293, //  60 Herc
                5868,   -8, //  41 Ophi
                5888, -478, //  40 Ophi
                5889, -290, //  53 Serp
                5924, -114, //
                5925,   96, //  49 Ophi
                5987, -183, //  57 Ophi
                6006, -292, //  56 Serp
                6016, -492, //  58 Ophi
                6117,  -84, //  57 Serp
                6117,   99, //  66 Ophi
                6119,  381, //  93 Herc
                6119,   67, //  67 Ophi
                6125,   30, //  68 Ophi
                6146,   57, //  70 Ophi
                6158,  198, //  71 Ophi
                6170,  473, // 102 Herc
                6188, -480, //  13 Sgtr
                6234,   76, //  74 Ophi
                6235,  499, // 106 Herc
                6247, -204, //  xi Scut
                6254, -469, //  21 Sgtr
                6255,  494, // 109 Herc
                6278, -333, //  ga Scut
                6313, -189, //  al Scut
                6379,  465, // 110 Herc
                6382, -110, //  be Scut
                6386,  411, // 111 Herc
                6436,   93, //  63 Serp
                6457,  340, //  13 Aqil
                6465, -134, //  12 Aqil
                6478, -498, //  39 Sgtr
                6553,  483, //   1 Vulp
                6576, -410, //  44 Sgtr
                6576, -368, //  46 Sgtr
                6607,    3, //  32 Aqil
                6651,  163, //  38 Aqil
                6657,  445, //   9 Vulp
                6665,  -35, //  41 Aqil
                6688,  405, //   5 Sgte
                6693,  393, //   6 Sgte
                6730,  416, //   7 Sgte
                6739,  430, //   8 Sgte
                6755,   17, //  55 Aqil
                6766,  187, //  59 Aqil
                6772,  140, //  60 Aqil
                6882,  339, //  67 Aqil
                6896, -292, //   5 Capr
                6898, -292, //   6 Capr
                6913, -297, //   8 Capr
                6958, -413, //  11 Capr
                6988,  250, //   2 Dlph
                7001,  326, //   4 Dlph
                7015,  -33, //  71 Aqil
                7020,  475, //  29 Vulp
                7026,  354, //   9 Dlph
                7047,  335, //  11 Dlph
                7066,  359, //  12 Dlph
                7067, -225, //   2 Aqar
                7068, -123, //   3 Aqar
                7096, -213, //   6 Aqar
                7161, -461, //  22 Capr
                7170, -401, //  23 Capr
                7192, -268, //  13 Aqar
                7199,  222, //   5 Equl
                7223,  219, //   7 Equl
                7230,  110, //   8 Equl
                7263, -393, //  32 Capr
                7267,  441, //   1 Pegs
                7299, -506, //  36 Capr
                7347, -453, //  39 Capr
                7353, -189, //  23 Aqar
                7365, -390, //  40 Capr
                7379, -440, //  43 Capr
                7394,  384, //   9 Pegs
                7499,  -60, //  31 Aqar
                7513,  104, //  22 Pegs
                7515, -327, //  33 Aqar
                7575, -189, //  43 Aqar
                7603,  -43, //  48 Aqar
                7604,  266, //  31 Pegs
                7624,   20, //  52 Aqar
                7639,   96, //  35 Pegs
                7654, -255, //  57 Aqar
                7681,  -14, //  62 Aqar
                7727, -440, //  66 Aqar
                7747,  266, //  46 Pegs
                7761, -321, //  71 Aqar
                7779, -185, //  73 Aqar
                7795,  189, //  50 Pegs
                7844,   75, //   4 Pisc
                7862,  202, //  55 Pegs
                7874, -494, //  88 Aqar
                7903, -150, //  90 Aqar
                7911, -219, //  91 Aqar
                7919,   62, //   6 Pisc
                7923, -222, //  93 Aqar
                7952, -470, //  98 Aqar
                7969, -482, //  99 Aqar
                7975,   16, //   8 Pisc
                7981,  133, //  10 Pisc
                7988,  278, //  70 Pegs
                8010, -489, // 101 Aqar
                8049,  116, //  17 Pisc
                8059, -418, // 104 Aqar
                8061,   28, //  18 Pisc
                8064, -344, // 105 Aqar
                8159,  144, //  28 Pisc
                8174, -149, //  30 Pisc
                8188, -407  //   2 Ceti

        m1 = new Magnitude('1j');
        m2 = new Magnitude('2j');
        m3 = new Magnitude('3j');
        m4 = new Magnitude('4j');

        // return API

        return {
            'update': update,
            'setOption': setOption,
            'reset': reset

    /* ====== implementation specific glue ====== */

    // plot int co-ordinates, normalized (x: 0..1024, y: 0..1024, origin top-left) to CRT

    function plot(x, y, b) {
        x = (COORS_MAX + x) % SCREENWIDTH;
        if (x < 0) x += SCREENWIDTH;
        if (y < 0) y += SCREENWIDTH;
        CRT.plot(x, y, b);
        /* alternatively plot to integer coors:
          CRT.plot(x|0, y|0, b);

    // optional UI notifications

    function displayScores() {
        if ((typeof SpacewarUI === 'object' || typeof SpacewarUI === 'function')
            && typeof SpacewarUI.showScores === 'function') {
            SpacewarUI.showScores(score1, score2);

    function haltSignal() {
        if ((typeof SpacewarUI === 'object' || typeof SpacewarUI === 'function')
             && typeof SpacewarUI.halted === 'function') {

    // notify any external UI to check gamepads (on the entry of each frame).
    // the UI is expected to set any readings via Spacewar.setControls().

    function readGamepads() {
        if ((typeof SpacewarUI === 'object' || typeof SpacewarUI === 'function')
            && typeof SpacewarUI.readGamepads === 'function') {

    // some sane setters for external use

      setter for sense switch settings
      e.g., Spacewar.setOption( 'ANGULARMOMENTUM', true )
      or    Spacewar.setOption( 'SenseSwitch 1', true )
    function setOption(key, value) {
        var k = String(key).toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z1-6]/g, '');
        switch (k) {
            case 'SENSESWITCH1': Options.ANGULARMOMENTUM = Boolean(value); break;
            case 'SENSESWITCH2': Options.LOWGRAVITY = Boolean(value); break;
            case 'SENSESWITCH3': Options.SINGLESHOTS = Boolean(value); break;
            case 'SENSESWITCH4': Options.NOBACKGROUND = Boolean(value); break;
            case 'SENSESWITCH5': Options.SUNKILLS = Boolean(value); break;
            case 'SENSESWITCH6': Options.SUNOFF = Boolean(value); break;
            case 'FPS': setFPS(value); break;
                if (typeof Options[k] !== 'undefined') Options[k] = Boolean(value);

      getter for Options
    function getOption(key) {
        var k = String(key).toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z1-6]/g, '');
        switch (k) {
            case 'SENSESWITCH1': return Options.ANGULARMOMENTUM ;
            case 'SENSESWITCH2': return Options.LOWGRAVITY;
            case 'SENSESWITCH3': return Options.SINGLESHOTS;
            case 'SENSESWITCH4': return Options.NOBACKGROUND;
            case 'SENSESWITCH5': return Options.SUNKILLS;
            case 'SENSESWITCH6': return Options.SUNOFF;
            case 'FPS': return FPS;
            default: return Options[k];

      setter for spaceship control input
      e.g., Spacewar.setControls( 'SPACESHIP1', 'FIRE', true )
      or    Spacewar.setControls( 0, 'FIRE', true )
      or    Spacewar.setControls( Spacewar.Controls.SPACESHIP1, Spacewar.Controls.FIRE, true )
      reset state by Spacewar.setControls( 'SPACESHIP1', 'RESET' )
      or    Spacewar.setControls( 'SPACESHIP1', 'ALL', false )
    function setControls(spaceship, key, value) {
        var s, b, obj;
        if (!mtb.length) return; // not started, yet: ignore
        // sanitize input
        switch (typeof spaceship) {
            case 'number':
                s = spaceship | 0;
                if (s < 0 || s > 1) return;
            case 'string':
                spaceship = spaceship.toUpperCase();
                if (spaceship === 'SPACESHIP1' || spaceship === 'SPACESHIP2') {
                    s = Controls[spaceship];
                else {
            default: return;
        switch (typeof key) {
            case 'number':
                b = key | 0;
                if (!Controls.legalInputs[b]) return;
            case 'string':
                key = key.toUpperCase();
                if (Controls[key] !== 'undefined') {
                    b = Controls[key];
                else {
            default: return;
        // finally, manipulate the bit-vector in property 'ctrl'
        obj = mtb[s];
        obj.ctrl = ( (value)? obj.ctrl | b : obj.ctrl & (~b) ) & Controls.ALL;

      setter for testword
    function setTestword(n) {
        var tw = parseInt(String(n), 10);
        if (!isNaN(tw)) testword = Math.abs(tw) & 0x3FFFF;

        getter for testword
    function getTestword() {
        return testword;

      setter for FPS, called by "setOption('FPS', <value>)" internally
    function setFPS(n) {
        var fps = parseFloat(String(n));
        if (!isNaN(fps) && fps > 0 && fps <= 100) {
            Options.FPS = fps;
            if (timer) {
                timer = setInterval(frame, Math.floor(1000/fps));

        getter for FPS
    function getFPS() {
        return FPS;

        getter for scores, returns array [<score-ss1>, <score-ss2>]
    function getScores() {
        return [score1, score2];

        clear/reset scores
    function resetScores() {
        score1 = score2 = 0;

        halt execution
    function halt() {
        if (timer) halted = true;

        resume from halt
    function resume() {
        halted = false;

    // return API object

    return {
        'setOption': setOption,
        'Controls': Controls,
        'setControls': setControls,
        'setTestword': setTestword,
        'getTestword': getTestword,
        'setFPS': setFPS,
        'getFPS': getFPS,
        'getScores': getScores,
        'resetScores': resetScores,
        'halt': halt,
        'resume': resume,
        'run': run,

        'EPsetOption': ExpensivePlanetarium.setOption
