Adding the "Minskytron Hyperspace Signature" to Spacewar 4.1 Notes: The original hyperspace patch (hyperspac85.bin / Hyperspace VIci, 2 May 1962) uses not only the 3 predefined hyperspace properties of the original program's objects table, but also uses an extra objects table of its own for some more. Rather than following this approach, we expand the main objects table by some additional properties, nh5, nh6, nh7, and define the additional pointers \mh5, \mh6, \mh7. Thus, the code will assemble using macro1.c which is lacking the "dimension" pseudo instruction required by the original code. For the original code see: and Moreover, we will use just the animation, leaving everything else as is. The animation is triggered at label sr5 and hands over to the standard hyperspace routine at hp1. For more information on the original hyperspace routine as a patch to Spacewar 2b as seen at the MIT Science Open House in May 1962, see "The Origin of Spacewar" by J. M. Graetz: Creative Computing, August 1981 (Volume 7, Number 8) and The Computer Museum Report, Fall 1983; pp. 6-12 See also: J. M. Graetz, "Spacewar! Real-Time Capability of the PDP-1", DECUS Proceedings 1962: Papers and Presentations of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, (Maynard, Massachusetts, 1962), 37-39 HTML-transcript: A discussion of the code may be found at: In the code below, any comments starting with a double slash are my own (N.L.) while single-slash-comments are those in the original code. 1) Define some additional properties for hyperspace /main control routine for spaceships nob=30 /total number of colliding objects ml0, setup \mtc, 5000 /delay for loop init ml1, mtb /loc of calc routines add (nob dap mx1 / x nx1=mtb nob ... nh4=nh3 2 // replace nnn=nh4 2 // by add (2 // additional hyperspace properties dac \mh5 // packed minskytron coordinates hx1 hy1 nh5=nh4 2 add (2 dac \mh6 // packed minskytron coordinates hx2 hy2 nh6=nh5 2 add (2 dac \mh7 // packed minskytron coordinates hx3 hy3 nh7=nh6 2 nnn=nh7 2 2) Increment additional pointers (\mh5..\mh7) at end of main loop idl, idx mth idx \mfu idx \mtr idx mco idx mot idx mom idx \mh1 idx \mh2 idx \mh3 idx \mh4 idx \mh5 // additional hyperspace properties idx \mh6 idx \mh7 // end of additional hyperspace properties 3) Patch hyperspace trigger to jump to the initialization of the minskytron signature ("jmp hyp"): sr5, lac \scw dac i mco count i mh3, mb1 dzm i \mh3 lac i \mh2 sza i jmp mb1 lac \scw and (600000 xor (600000 sza jmp mb1 jmp hyp // minskytron hyperspace Note: "jmp hyp" replaces the following instructions of Spacewar 4.1: lac i ml1 dac i \mh1 lac (hp1 400000 dac i ml1 xct hd1 dac i ma1 law 2 dac i mb1 jmp mb1 Alternatively, we could use sense switch 3 (normally salvoes/single-shot) to switch the animation off (default) or on (deployed): sr5, lac \scw dac i mco count i mh3, mb1 dzm i \mh3 lac i \mh2 sza i jmp mb1 lac \scw and (600000 xor (600000 sza jmp mb1 szs 30 // skip on sense switch 3 zero (normal operation) jmp hyp // minskytron hyperspace lac i ml1 dac i \mh1 lac (hp1 400000 dac i ml1 xct hd1 dac i ma1 law 2 dac i mb1 jmp mb1 and disable the switch's use in the torpedo trigger: mco, lac . / previous control word cma // szs i 30 clc 4) This is the actual code for the "Minskytron Hyperspace Signature", from here to normal operations at label hp1. (Since we do not "diddle ship coordinates" prior to the animation, we're using the standard pointers mx1 and my1 for the ship coordinates, while the original introduces private properties for them. Similarly we use ma1 as the step counter/duration rather than introducing another private property. Moreover, we're using rather instructions than the macro "setx" -- which is just law ... dac ... -- and doesn't really add to clarity.) // Hyperspace calculation and Minskytron display // from hyperspace patch for spacewar 2b, // hyperspace85, being "Hyperspace VIci, 2 May 1962" retyped by JMG 26 Oct 1985 // minor modifications (no extra object table), breakout as in version 3/4 /Macros privy to Hyperspace define split scr 9s sal 9s terminate define pack X,Y,S lac X lio Y sar 9s scl 9s dac S terminate define dismin X,Y,XC,YC lac Y add YC swap lac X add XC dpy-i 100 terminate define marvin X1,Y1,X2,Y2,S,SS lac X1 add X2 S add Y1 dac Y1 sub Y2 SS cma add X1 dac X1 termiate hyp, lac i ml1 dac i \mh1 law i 20 dac i ma1 / loop counter move xy1,i \mh5 move xy2,i \mh6 move xy3,i \mh7 lac (he1 400000 dac i ml1 jmp mb1 he1, law 325 dac i mb1 law i 4 /inner loop count dac \hpt lac i \mh5 /unpack point coordinates split dac \hx1 dio \hy1 lac i \mh6 split dac \hx2 dio \hy2 lac i \mh7 split dac \hx3 dio \hy3 /Here it is... h3, marvin \hx1,\hy1,\hx2,\hy2,sar 5s,sar 5s marvin \hx2,\hy2,\hx3,\hy3,sar 8s,sar 4s dismin \hx2,\hy2,i mx1,i my1 marvin \hx3,\hy3,\hx1,\hy1,sar 1s,sar 6s dismin \hx3,\hy3,i mx1,i my1 h3a, count \hpt,h3 pack \hx1,\hy1,i \mh5 /repack coordinates pack \hx2,\hy2,i \mh6 pack \hx3,\hy3,i \mh7 h3b, count i ma1,mb1 lac (hp1 400000 // continue with standard routine at hp1 dac i ml1 xct hd1 dac i ma1 law 3 dac i mb1 jmp mb1 xy1, 6 xy2, 10765 xy3, 767765 *** Note: Personally, I feel that the animation as is doesn't blend well with Spacewar 4.x, for the higher torpedo speed used (as compared to Spacewar 2b) and the resulting overall impression of pace. We may adjust for this (while deviating from the original code) by skipping the last 3 steps of the animation which are just adding a bit of an hook to the top of the vertical arc. The resulting graph may be perceived to be a bit more dynamic, too. This may be accomplished by replacing the instruction at hyp + 2 law i 20 by law i 15 *** Norbert Landsteiner 2015-05-06