These help files refer to the application version 1.1 (2007).
For additional features refer to: New Features in Version 2.0.

Quick Start

For an easy start open the Top 100 list by clicking its button at the upper right of the application window.
Choose one of Austria's top players and click the tiny network ican at its right. (You may as well use an item's contextual menu by right-clicking it.)
Acknowledge the dialog you've just displayed your first network.

Roam the network by double clicking any of the nodes. All nodes, list entries, and the visualization itself provide contextual menus to access Network Monitor's functionalities.
Hover the mouse pointer above any of the controls to display a tool-tip with further information.


These help pages where originally designed for a different installation of Network Monitor.
While some specific menus and the design of the report may differ from this application, the cross functionility remains the same.



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