Retrochallenge 2018/04 (Now in COLOR)
Refraction for the Atari 2600

Episode 7: Let's Save Some Bytes!
(Also, Refractions.)

Before refraction comes refactoring. It's true that we had some working code last time, but we had also to admit that there was some room for improvement. So, before we move on, we may want to refactor the code to clean up the mess of straight forward implementation. — And this accounts for the better part of yesterday's workload.

Neat & Tidy

By arranging variables and constants cleverly in memory, we are able to come up with a general scheme similar the object selection, we had observed in the Battlezone repositioning routine. Thanks to this, we may put the reoccuring code in some subroutines. In fact, all the motions, ship control and firing can be done in 3 and a half subroutines.

E.g., there's one subroutine for advancing an object along an axis and to let it bounce, if it hits a border (which may vary with objects). Using the X register, we may select the object and axis (since we're dealing here mostly with 16 bit values, object/axis indices come at offsets of 2). To illustrate this, here's all we need to move the ball:

    ldx #0              ; select ball X
    jsr MoveObject
    ldx #6              ; select ball Y
    jsr MoveObject

MoveObject               ; subroutine to move an object (x selects object and axis)
    clc                  ; DX:  0 ball,  2 missile0,  4 missile1
    lda ballX,X          ; DY:  6 ball,  8 missile0, 10 missile1
    adc ballDX,X
    sta ballX,X
    lda ballX  + 1,X
    adc ballDX + 1,X
    sta ballX  + 1,X
    ldy ballDX + 1,X
    bpl moveInc          ; branch on positive delta (incrementing)
    ldy minMaxBallX,X    ; are we comparing to zero?
    beq moveCmp0
    cmp minMaxBallX,X    ; lower boundary from table
    bcs moveDone         ; branch on greater or equal than boundary
    lda minMaxBallX,X    ; new value = boundary
    jmp Bounce
    cmp #$F0             ; deal with wrap around
    bcc moveDone         ; branch on less than $F0
    lda #0
    jmp Bounce
    cmp minMaxBallX+1,X  ; upper boundary from table
    bcc moveDone         ; branch on less than boundary
    lda minMaxBallX+1,X
    sbc #1               ; new value = boundary - 1; carry already set
    jmp Bounce

Bounce                   ; (sub)routine to invert an object's motion
    sta ballX + 1,X      ; A: new pos HI-btye
    lda #0               ; X = DX:  0 ball,  2 missile0,  4 missile1
    sta ballX,X          ;     DY:  6 ball,  8 missile0, 10 missile1
    sbc ballDX,X
    sta ballDX,X
    lda #0
    sbc ballDX + 1,X
    sta ballDX + 1,X

; table of boundaries for various motions

    .byte 6
    .byte 156
    .byte 162-40-4
    .byte 158
    .byte 6
    .byte 40+4+2

    .byte 0
    .byte PFHeight - 7
    .byte 4
    .byte PFHeight - 4
    .byte 4
    .byte PFHeight - 4

Moving Missile0 along the X-axis is as simple as calling:

    ldx #2              ; select missile0 X
    jsr MoveObject

Everything else, including checking boundaries and bouncing will be taken care by the "MoveObject" routine. This is complemented by routine handling controls and motions for any of the two ships and another one to set up and fire a missile.

Great! — Tidy! — Neat!   *bows*

However, this accomplishment comes at a price, namely in CPU cycles. Since everything is now handled by lookup tables and indexed memory access, we pay a penalty of an extra processor cycle for any memory access. Moreover the sequence "jsr ... rts" for entering and returning from a subroutine is 12 CPU cycles or 36 pixels! Calling a subroutine to move along an axis twice for an object adds a penalty of 72 pixels, or more than a third of an entire scan line! Estimating the sum of the extra cycles spent for indexed addressing, we may end up with a penalty of half a scan line per major operation. And there are just 30 of them in overscan, where we intend to handle the game mechanics. — Oops!

In other words, since there are 5 objects to move, we sacrifice about 2.5 scan lines or a 12th of the available runtime for the joys of using subroutines. While we have shrinked the code quite dramatically, it comes at a cost, we may not be able to maintain in the long run. — The space vs time paradigm, again. But this time, it bites.


However, the clarity gained allows us to move on easily and implement the basic refraction mechanics: As a missile crosses the barrier at the opposing end of the playfield, its trajectory will be refracted by a variable angle proportional to its distance from the vertical center of the playfield.

Refractions illustrated

Illustrating Refractions™.

Implementation is straight forward: We check the state of a missile, where we take note, whether the missile has already crossed the barrier or not. If not so and we just have crossed the limes, we bend the trajectory and move on to the code handling the motion. This is also, where we will add another part of the player controls, to modify the angle (either to increase it or to switch the angle to the other side).

Getting the distance is trivial, but arriving at an angle, which may provide a suitable vertical delta, involves multiplication. Multiplication, as in 16-bit multiplication by 4. As illustrated by the following code snippet, where we enter with the index for the specific missile in X (0 or 2):

    lda #PFHeight/2 + 5    ; vertical center + center of ship sprite
    sbc msl0Y + 1,X        ; get difference
    bcs refractAdd         ; branch on positive result
    adc #E0                ; add default offset of -20 (minimum angle)
    sta msl0DY,X
    lda #$FF               ; and set up negative HI-byte
    sta msl0DY + 1,X
    jmp refractMult
    adc #20                ; add minimum offset of +20
    sta msl0DY,X
    asl msl0DY,X           ; left shift (16-bit)
    rol msl0DY + 1,X
    asl msl0DY,X           ; left shift (16-bit)
    rol msl0DY + 1,X
    lda #1                 ; finally modify the missile state
    sta msl0State,X
    rts                    ; and return

This may look like nice code, but a true 6502 crack may be screaming in pain already.


Here we have to address the weak side of the 6502, namely the lack of a barrel shifter. Moreover, shifting, if not performed on the accumulator, is prohibitively expensive. Let's have a look at the instruction table:


Address ModeAssemblerASLROLBytesCycles
Zero-PageASL Oper062625
Zero-Page,XASL Oper,X163626
AbsoluteASL Oper0E2E36
Absolute,XASL Oper,X1E3E37

Feast your eyes on the last line: 7 cycles!
Shifts and rolls, the building blocks of any binary arithmetics, are the most expensive and slowest instructions there are on the 6502! And we're using the slowest of them all!

28 cycles for a shift to the left by 2 positions! — Ouch!

Note/Edit: Here, I became overly concerened, as we are, of course, using indexed zero-page addresses (6 cycles instead of 7). Please, read the following with a grain of salt and quietly subtract a cycle from the counts provided.

Since we're already wasting cycles on the subroutines, we may want to think this over. Is there a way, we may do this with registers only?

How about this one:

    rol                    ; (2)
    rol                    ; (2)
    tay                    ; (2)
    and #$FC               ; (2)
    sta LoByte             ; (3+)
    tya                    ; (2)
    rol                    ; (2)
    and #$3                ; (2)
    sta HiByte             ; (3+)

Neat, isn't it? However, this is still 20 cycles (or more, depending on the addressing mode of the STA instructions). The big plus here is that we may add another shift at the cost of just 4 cycles as compared to 14 using shifts on memory locations.

On the other hand, our approach works only with positive values (mind the AND instructions). So we have to normalize the value first, take note of the sign and do a 16-bit negate at the end, had it been negative. Complementing a 16-bit number is yet another feat. There are several approaches to this, implementing sign fills, and other clever ideas, but in the end, they all add up to the same cycle count as two subratcions from zero, which is the easiest and most transparent way to do it:

    sec                    ; (2)
    lda #0                 ; (2)
    sbc msl0DY,X           ; (4)
    sta msl0DY,X           ; (5)
    lda #0                 ; (2)
    sbc msl0DY+1,X         ; (4)
    sta msl0DY+1,X         ; (5)

"SBC Abs,X" and "STA Abs,X" come at a cost of 4 and 5 cycles respectively, adding up to 24 cycles in total including the LDAs and the SEC. By this, we've lost all we may have gained by our nifty multiplication algorithm. (It's true, it's still faster for positive numbers, but, in terms of realtime computing, we're just interested in the longest path.)

The final implementation is still an open question. In the end, we may just use a look up table for determining the delta-Y.

As a minor change, the ship select is now on the Color/BW console switch, since the difficulty switches are somewhat hidden on the "newer" models (i.e., the 4-switchers).


And here's the code, as-is, try it live here:

; Program:        Refraction
; Implements:     Playfield, Sprites, Motions, Basic refractions
; System:         Atari 2600
; Source Format:  DASM
; Author:         N. Landsteiner, 2018

    processor 6502
    include vcs.h
    include macro.h

    SEG.U config

; Constants

; tv standard specifics
; uncomment for PAL
;PAL = 1

    ifnconst  PAL
;----------------------------- NTSC

; 262 lines: 3+37 VBlank, 192 kernel, 30 overscan
; timers (@ 64 cycles)
;  VBlank    43 * 64 = 2752 cycles = 36.21 lines
;  Overscan  35 * 64 = 2240 cycles = 29.47 lines

ScanLines      = 192
T64VBlank      =  43
T64Overscan    =  35

BorderHeight   =   6
BorderClr      = $64  ; purple
ScoreClr       = $EC  ; yellow
PlayerClr      = $0C  ; light grey
PlayerClr2     = $9E  ; light blue (unused)

;----------------------------- PAL

; 312 lines: 3+45 VBlank, 228 kernel, 36 overscan
; timers (@ 64 cycles)
;  VBlank    53 * 64 = 3392 cycles = 44.63 lines
;  Overscan  42 * 64 = 2688 cycles = 35.36 lines

ScanLines      = 228
T64VBlank      =  53
T64Overscan    =  42

BorderHeight   =   7
BorderClr      = $C4
ScoreClr       = $2C
PlayerClr      = $0C  ; light grey
PlayerClr2     = $BE  ; light blue (unused)


; general definitions

ScoresHeight   =  10
PFHeight = ScanLines - ScoresHeight - 2 * BorderHeight

shipVelocity  = $0180
ballVelocityX = $0100
ballVelocityY = $0080

mslVelocity   = $0180 ;$0200
mslCooling    =   $30

; ship X coordinates (static)

ship0X = 20
ship1X = 134

; vars

frCntr      = $80
pfMask      = $81

; sprite coordinates (16-bit, HI-byte used for display)
; sprite specific horizontal offsets of TIA coordinates vs logical X:
;   players:         X+1 (1...160)
;   missiles, ball:  X+2 (2...161)
; (ball and missiles start 1 px left/early as compared to player sprites)

ship0Y      = $82  ; 2 bytes
ship1Y      = $84  ; 2 bytes

; order and grouping is important for selecting objects by index

ballX       = $86  ; 2 bytes
msl0X       = $88  ; 2 bytes
msl1X       = $8A  ; 2 bytes

ballY       = $8C  ; 2 btyes
msl0Y       = $8E  ; 2 bytes
msl1Y       = $90  ; 2 bytes

ballDX      = $92  ; 2 bytes
msl0DX      = $94  ; 2 bytes
msl1DX      = $96  ; 2 bytes

ballDY      = $98  ; 2 bytes
msl0DY      = $9A  ; 2 bytes
msl1DY      = $9C  ; 2 bytes

msl0State   = $9E
msl0Cooling = $9F
msl1State   = $A0
msl1Cooling = $A1

; addresses for relocated playfield scan line routine

PFRoutine = $B0  ; where to place the scan line routine

M1Ptr = PFRoutine + $03
S0Ptr = PFRoutine + $08
M0Ptr = PFRoutine + $0d
S1Ptr = PFRoutine + $12
BlPtr = PFRoutine + $1f
BrPtr = PFRoutine + $17

    SEG cartridge

; Initialization

    org $F000

    sei                 ; disable interrupts
    cld                 ; clear BCD mode

    ldx #$FF
    txs                 ; reset stack pointer
    lda #$00
    ldx #$28            ; clear TIA registers ($04-$2C)
    sta $04,X
    bpl TIAClear        ; loop exits with X=$FF

;    ldx #$FF
    sta $00,X           ; clear RAM ($FF-$80)
    bmi RAMClear        ; loop exits with X=$7F

    sta SWBCNT          ; set console I/O to INPUT
    sta SWACNT          ; set controller I/O to INPUT

; Game Init

    lda #1 + 32
    sta CTRLPF          ; set up symmetric playfield, 2x ball width
    lda #0
    sta pfMask
    sta frCntr
    lda #PlayerClr      ; set player sprite colors
    sta COLUP0
    sta COLUP1
    lda #8              ; flip player 1 horizontally
    sta REFP1

    jsr relocatePFRoutine

    lda #0
    sta ship0Y
    sta ship1Y
    sta ballX
    sta ballY
    sta msl0Cooling
    sta msl1Cooling
    sta msl0X + 1
    sta msl1X + 1
    lda #PFHeight / 2 - 5
    sta ship0Y + 1
    sta ship1Y + 1
    lda #81            ; 80 + 2 offset - 1 (size = 2)
    sta ballX + 1
    lda #10
    sta ballY + 1
    lda #PFHeight
    sta msl0Y + 1
    sta msl1Y + 1

    lda #<ballVelocityX
    sta ballDX
    lda #>ballVelocityX
    sta ballDX + 1
    lda #<ballVelocityY
    sta ballDY
    lda #>ballVelocityY
    sta ballDY + 1

; Start a new Frame / VBLANK

    lda #$02
    sta WSYNC           ; wait for horizontal sync
    sta VBLANK          ; turn on VBLANK
    sta VSYNC           ; turn on VSYNC
    sta WSYNC           ; leave VSYNC on for 3 lines
    sta WSYNC
    sta WSYNC
    lda #$00
    sta VSYNC           ; turn VSYNC off

    lda #T64VBlank      ; set timer for VBlank
    sta TIM64T

    lda SWCHB
    and #1              ; D0: reset
    bne ShipSelect
    jmp Start

ShipSelect              ; set up ship base addresses (select shape)
    lda SWCHB
    and #$8             ; D3: color/bw switch
    beq shipSelect2
    lda #<[Ship1 - PFHeight]
    sta S0Ptr
    lda #>[Ship1 - PFHeight]
    sta S0Ptr + 1
    lda #<[Ship1 - PFHeight]
    sta S1Ptr
    lda #>[Ship1 - PFHeight]
    sta S1Ptr + 1
    jmp shipSelectDone
    lda #<[Ship2 - PFHeight]
    sta S0Ptr
    lda #>[Ship2 - PFHeight]
    sta S0Ptr + 1
    lda #<[Ship2 - PFHeight]
    sta S1Ptr
    lda #>[Ship2 - PFHeight]
    sta S1Ptr + 1

    ldx #0              ; payer0
    jsr SteerShip
    ldy INPT4
    jsr FireMissile
    ldx #2              ; payer1
    jsr SteerShip
    ldy INPT5
    jsr FireMissile

VPositioning            ; vertical sprite positions (off: y = PFHeight)
    lda S0Ptr
    adc ship0Y + 1
    sta S0Ptr
    bcc s0Done
    inc S0Ptr + 1

    lda S1Ptr
    adc ship1Y + 1
    sta S1Ptr
    bcc s1Done
    inc S1Ptr + 1

    lda #<[SpriteM - PFHeight]
    adc msl0Y + 1
    sta M0Ptr
    lda #0
    adc #>[SpriteM - PFHeight]
    sta M0Ptr + 1

    lda #<[SpriteM - PFHeight]
    adc msl1Y + 1
    sta M1Ptr
    lda #0
    adc #>[SpriteM - PFHeight]
    sta M1Ptr + 1

    lda #<[SpriteBL - PFHeight]
    adc ballY + 1
    sta BlPtr
    lda #0
    adc #>[SpriteBL - PFHeight]
    sta BlPtr + 1

HPositioning            ; horizontal sprite positioning
    sta WSYNC
    lda #ship0X         ; player0
    ldx #0
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda #ship1X         ; player1
    ldx #1
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda msl0X + 1       ; missile0
    ldx #2
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda msl1X + 1       ; missile1
    ldx #3
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda ballX + 1       ; ball
    ldx #4
    jsr bzoneRepos
    sta WSYNC

    lda     INTIM
    bne VBlankWait      ; wait for timer
    sta WSYNC           ; finish current line
    sta HMOVE           ; put movement registers into effect
    sta VBLANK          ; turn off VBLANK

; Visible Kernel

    ; just a dummy, render alternating lines
    ldy #ScoresHeight-1
    ldx #0
    stx COLUBK

    sta WSYNC
    and #1
    beq s1
    lda #ScoreClr
    sta COLUBK
    bpl ScoresLoop

    sta WSYNC
    lda #BorderClr
    sta COLUBK
    sta COLUPF          ; playfield color
    lda #16             ; playfield border (will not show in front of bg)
    sta PF0
    lda pfMask
    sta PF1
    sta BrPtr

    ldy #PFHeight-1
    lda (BlPtr),Y       ; load ball in advance
    dec BlPtr           ; compensate for loading before dey in the pf-routine

    ldx #BorderHeight-1
    sta WSYNC
    bne topLoop

                        ; last line of border
    sleep 68
    stx COLUBK          ; we're exactly at the right border
                        ; next scan-line starts

    jmp PFRoutine       ; we'll start 3 cycles into the scan line,
                        ;  same as branch after WSYNC

    lda #BorderClr
    sta COLUBK

    lda #0
    sta ENABL           ; all sprites off
    sta ENAM0
    sta ENAM1
    sta GRP0
    sta GRP1
    sta PF0             ; playfield off
    sta PF1
    sta PF2

    ldy #BorderHeight
    sta WSYNC
    bne btmLoop

; Overscan

    lda #$02
    sta VBLANK
    sta WSYNC
    lda #T64Overscan    ; set timer for overscan
    sta TIM64T

    inc frCntr          ; increment frame counter
    lda frCntr
    and #3
    bne moveBall
    lda pfMask          ; flip playfield mask
    eor #1
    sta pfMask

    ldx #0              ; select ball X
    jsr MoveObject
    ldx #6              ; select ball Y
    jsr MoveObject

    lda msl0State
    beq moveMissile1    ; inactive
    bpl moveMsl0        ; already refracted
    lda msl0X + 1
    cmp #116            ; crossed the barrier?
    bcc moveMsl0
    ldx #0
    jsr Refract
    ldx #2              ; select missile0 Y
    jsr MoveObject
    ldx #8              ; select missile0 Y
    jsr MoveObject

    lda msl1State
    beq moveMissileDone ; inactive
    bpl moveMsl1        ; already refracted
    lda msl1X + 1
    cmp #44             ; crossed the barrier?
    bcs moveMsl1
    ldx #2
    jsr Refract
    ldx #4              ; select missile1 X
    jsr MoveObject
    ldx #10             ; select missile1 Y
    jsr MoveObject

    lda INTIM
    bne OverscanWait    ; wait for timer
    jmp Frame

; some subroutines

SteerShip                 ; X: ship (0, 2)
    lda ctrlYPlayer0,X
    and SWCHA             ; joystick up?
    bne steerDown         ; active LO!
    lda ship0Y,X
    sbc #<shipVelocity
    sta ship0Y,X
    lda ship0Y + 1,X
    sbc #>shipVelocity
    cmp #$F0
    bcc steerSaveX
    lda #0
    sta ship0Y + 1,X
    lda ctrlYPlayer0+1,X
    and SWCHA            ; joystick down?
    bne steerDone
    lda ship0Y,X
    adc #<shipVelocity
    sta ship0Y,X
    lda ship0Y + 1,X
    adc #>shipVelocity
    cmp #PFHeight - 13
    bcc steerSaveY
    lda #PFHeight - 12
    sta ship0Y + 1,X

MoveObject               ; subroutine to move an object (x selects object and axis)
    clc                  ; DX:  0 ball,  2 missile0,  4 missile1
    lda ballX,X          ; DY:  6 ball,  8 missile0, 10 missile1
    adc ballDX,X
    sta ballX,X
    lda ballX  + 1,X
    adc ballDX + 1,X
    sta ballX  + 1,X
    ldy ballDX + 1,X
    bpl moveInc          ; branch on positive delta (incrementing)
    ldy minMaxBallX,X    ; are we comparing to zero?
    beq moveCmp0
    cmp minMaxBallX,X    ; lower boundary from table
    bcs moveDone         ; branch on greater or equal than boundary
    lda minMaxBallX,X    ; new value = boundary
    jmp Bounce
    cmp #$F0             ; deal with wrap around
    bcc moveDone         ; branch on less than $F0
    lda #0
    jmp Bounce
    cmp minMaxBallX+1,X  ; upper boundary from table
    bcc moveDone         ; branch on less than boundary
    lda minMaxBallX+1,X
    sbc #1               ; new value = boundary - 1; carry already set
    jmp Bounce

Bounce                   ; (sub)routine to invert an object's motion
    sta ballX + 1,X      ; A: new pos HI-btye
    lda #0               ; X = DX:  0 ball,  2 missile0,  4 missile1
    sta ballX,X          ;     DY:  6 ball,  8 missile0, 10 missile1
    sbc ballDX,X
    sta ballDX,X
    lda #0
    sbc ballDX + 1,X
    sta ballDX + 1,X

FireMissile              ; X = ship/player (0, 2), button input in Y
    lda msl0Cooling,X    ; missile available?
    beq fire
    dec msl0Cooling,X
    bmi fireDone
    lda #mslCooling
    sta msl0Cooling,X
    lda ship0Y,X
    sta msl0Y,X
    lda ship0Y + 1,X
    adc #5
    sta msl0Y + 1,X
    lda originMsl0,X
    sta msl0X + 1,X
    lda #0
    sta msl0X,X
    sta msl0DY,X
    sta msl0DY + 1,X
    lda msl0Velocity,X
    sta msl0DX,X
    lda msl0Velocity + 1,X
    sta msl0DX + 1,X
    lda #$FF
    sta msl0State,X

    lda #PFHeight/2 + 5
    sbc msl0Y + 1,X
    bcs refractAdd
    eor #$FF
    adc #1
    ldy #0               ; set state to zero ($FF otherwise)
    sty msl0State,X
    adc #20
refractMult              ; multiply by 4 (16-bit result)
    and #$FC
    sta msl0DY,X
    and #$3
    sta msl0DY + 1,X
    ldy msl0State,X      ; negate?
    bne refractSetState
    lda #0
    sbc msl0DY,X
    sta msl0DY,X
    lda #0
    sbc msl0DY+1,X
    sta msl0DY+1,X
    lda #1
    sta msl0State,X

; Tables for subroutines / object selection

; table joystick test patterns

    .byte %00010000  ; up
    .byte %00100000  ; down
    .byte %00000001  ; up
    .byte %00000010  ; down

; table of boundaries for various motions

    .byte 6
    .byte 156
    .byte 162-40-4
    .byte 158
    .byte 6
    .byte 40+4+2

    .byte 0
    .byte PFHeight - 7
    .byte 4
    .byte PFHeight - 4
    .byte 4
    .byte PFHeight - 4

    .byte 116
    .byte ship0X + 10
    .byte 44
    .byte ship1X - 1
    .byte <mslVelocity
    .byte >mslVelocity
    .byte 255 - <mslVelocity
    .byte 255 - >mslVelocity

; Playfield Scan Line Routine

; kernel scan-line routine to be relocated to RAM (addr. PFRoutine)
; relocation via 'rorg ... rend' breaks DASM (why?), so let's do it the hard way

                   ;  * = $B0
    hex 85 1f      ;  sta ENABL     ; draw ball
    hex b9 00 00   ;  lda 00,Y      ; draw missile 1
    hex 85 1e      ;  sta ENAM1
    hex b9 00 00   ;  lda 00,Y      ; draw player 0
    hex 85 1b      ;  sta GRP0
    hex b9 00 00   ;  lda 00,Y      ; draw missile 0
    hex 85 1d      ;  sta ENAM0
    hex b9 00 00   ;  lda 00,Y      ; draw player 1
    hex 85 1c      ;  sta GRP1

    hex a9 00      ;  lda #0        ; flickering barrier animation:
    hex 49 01      ;  eor #1        ; the two barriers will be out of sync, because
    hex 85 0e      ;  sta PF1       ; at this point we already missed PF1 at the left.
    hex 85 c7      ;  sta barrier+1 ; store pattern with D0 flipped (self-modifying)

    hex b9 00 00   ;  lda 00,Y      ; load ball for next line
    hex 88         ;  dey
    hex 85 02      ;  sta WSYNC
    hex d0 da      ;  bne pfLoop    ; start over 3 cycles into the scan line
    hex 4c         ;  jmp

; 38 + 2 bytes in total

; subroutine to move it to RAM

    ldx #PFEnd-PFStart
    lda PFStart,X
    sta PFRoutine,X
    bpl mvCode

PfReturn = PFEnd - PFStart + PFRoutine

    lda #<BottomBorder     ; fix up return vector
    sta PfReturn
    lda #>BottomBorder
    sta PfReturn+1

; uncomment, if PFRoutine != $B0
;    lda #PFRoutine + $17
;    sta PFRoutine + $1d  ; fix up the self-modifying rewrite addr


; Horizontal Positioning

    org $F800

; This table is on a page boundary to guarantee the processor
; will cross a page boundary and waste a cycle in order to be
; at the precise position
; (lookup index is negative underflow of 241...255, 0)

    .byte %01110000 ; Left 7
    .byte %01100000 ; Left 6
    .byte %01010000 ; Left 5
    .byte %01000000 ; Left 4
    .byte %00110000 ; Left 3
    .byte %00100000 ; Left 2
    .byte %00010000 ; Left 1
    .byte %00000000 ; No movement.
    .byte %11110000 ; Right 1
    .byte %11100000 ; Right 2
    .byte %11010000 ; Right 3
    .byte %11000000 ; Right 4
    .byte %10110000 ; Right 5
    .byte %10100000 ; Right 6
    .byte %10010000 ; Right 7

fineAdjustTable = fineAdjustBegin - %11110001   ; Note: %11110001 = -15

; Battlezone style exact horizontal repositioning (modified)
; X = object      A = position in px
; --------------------------------------
; 0 = Player0     offset 1, 1...160
; 1 = Player1     offset 1, 1...160
; 2 = Missile0    offset 2, 2...161
; 3 = Missile1    offset 2, 2...161
; 4 = Ball        offset 2, 2...161

bzoneRepos                 ; cycles
    sta WSYNC              ; 3    wait for next scanline
    sec                    ; 2    tart of scanline (0), set carry flag
    sbc #15                ; 2    waste 5 cycles by dividing X-pos by 15
    bcs divideby15         ; 2/3  now at 6/11/16/21/...

    tay                    ; 2    now at 8/13/18/23/...
    lda fineAdjustTable,Y  ; 5    5 cycles, as we cross a page boundary
    nop                    ; 2    now at 15/20/25/30/...
    sta HMP0,X             ; 4    store fine adjustment
    sta RESP0,X            ; 4    (19/24/29/34/...) strobe position
    rts                    ; 6

; Note: "bcs divideby15" must not cross a page boundary

; Data


    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $6D ; | XX XX X|
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $70 ; | XXX    |
    .byte $78 ; | XXXX   |
    .byte $5C ; | X XXX  |
    .byte $9E ; |X  XXXX |
    .byte $C3 ; |XX    XX|
    .byte $BC ; |X XXXX  |
    .byte $C3 ; |XX    XX|
    .byte $9E ; |X  XXXX |
    .byte $5C ; | X XXX  |
    .byte $78 ; | XXXX   |
    .byte $70 ; | XXX    |

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $02 ; missile

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $02 ; ball
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $00


; Interrupt and reset vectors

    org $FFFA
    .word Start       ; NMI
    .word Start       ; Reset
    .word Start       ; IRQ




Next:  Episode 8: Completing the Game Mechanics

Previous:   Episode 6: Moving On

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— This series is part of Retrochallenge 2018/04. —