Virtual 6502 — Update Round 2

Another major update to the venerable “Virtual 6502” emulator – assembler – disassembler suite.

Title illustation: MOS 6502 MPU

I may have been a bit unresponsive over the last few days, but there is a reason for this. Namely, I invested most of my available time into another round of updates to the “Virtual 6502” suite, consisting of an emulator of the MOS 6502 MPU, an old-school assembler, and a respective disassembler. And this has been a major round of updates. Suffice to say, I think these venerable programs, which had been a bit basic and even dated by now, do now for a competent little suite of programs.

To begin with, all the apps now support “illegal opcodes“. To be more precise, the implementation adheres to No More Secrets (v.091, 24 December 2016 release), which is also consistent with Graham's opcode table and the vericfication by

Let’s a have a quick tour around these apps.

The Emulator

The emulator is the traditional pièce de résistance of the Virtual 6502 suite. Hence, it has received some extra care. First of all, the CPU core enjoyed a major rewrite and reorganisation of the code. (There isn’t much left of the original implementation, which is still listed in the credits.) Moreover, in order to make this a versatile pice of software, the interctive part has been substantially overhauled as well.

Here are all the additions at a glance:

Some notable additions to the virtual 6502 emulator.

Here’s a quick overview over the newly added and extended features:

Virtual 6502 emulator (updated regions highlighted)
Pre-filling memory with a custom value by the confirmation prompt.
(The operabilty of our custom dialogs has been improved, as well.)
Virtual 6502 emulator: traps and breakpoints editor
The traps & breakpoints editor.

Mind that this is still not a full IDE (a bit of interoperability with the assembler has been added, though — see below), nor a full-fledged emulation of a real or fantasy 8-bit machine. This isn’t really its goal or purpose. Think more of it as one of the chip trainers of the 1970s (like the Commodore KIM-1, or the Acorn System 1), letting you inspect and explore the behavior of the CPU under particular circumstances, both in single steps and over more extensive runs.

Update (June 27, 2021)

We now also provide options to load the KIM-1 ROM and to appropriately emulate the ROR-bug of the pre-June 1976 production series. (Officially, while documented, the instruction was “not yet implemented”. In actuality there was a bug in the PLA lines decoding the instruction and ROR behaved like ASL, but always shifted in zero and preserved the carry-flag.)

Virtual 6502 emulator: KIM-1 ROM and ROL-bug emulation options
KIM-1 ROM option and associated ROR-bug option.
(The ROR-bug emulation works without the KIM-1 ROM, as well.)

The Assembler

Virtual 6502 assembler
The newly organized, improved assembler.

The assembler enjoyed a major overhaul, as well. As major hightlights, we now support illegal opcodes (optional, activated by the pragma/pseudo-instruction “.OPT ILLEGALS”) and complex expressions.

Moreover, the list output has been reorganized and now reflects much better how the source is processed and presents any errors in a more accurate way. The listing of pass 1 now represents the source as “seen” by the assembler (together with line numbers and instruction addresses), while the second pass represents the code as processed, with inserted values and in normalized notation.

The “native format” of the assembler is close to the original MOS assembler. However, where this uses “LDY (AA)Y” for indirect, Y-indexed address modes, we default to the more common notation including a comma, as in “LDY (AA),Y”. The original MOS format is still recognized, as well as many other syntax variations.

E.g., compare this little program:

;fill a page with bytes,
;preserve program


      ldx #offset
loop  txa
      sta start,x
      bne loop

;insert bytes here

and its respective list output:

pass 1

   1  ;fill a page with bytes,
   2  ;preserve program

   4  0800                   * = $800
   6  0800         START
   7  0800                   LDX #OFFSET
   8  0802         LOOP      TXA
   9  0803                   STA START,X
  10  0806                   INX
  11  0807                   BNE LOOP
  12  0809                   BRK
  14                          ;insert bytes here
  15                         OFFSET = *-START
  16                         .END

 LOOP       $0802
 OFFSET       $0A
 START      $0800

pass 2

;fill a page with bytes,
;preserve program

0800                         * = $0800
0800               START
0800  A2 0A                  LDX #$0A
0802  8A           LOOP      TXA
0803  9D 00 08               STA $0800,X
0806  E8                     INX
0807  D0 F9                  BNE $0802
0809  00                     BRK
                              ;insert bytes here
                             OFFSET = $000A

done (code: 0800..0809).

Mind the expression “OFFSET = *-START” at line 15: you may now use the special symbol “*” for the current address (you may still assign to “.ORG” and/or “.RORG”) anywhere in an expression.

Fun Question

What does

* = ***



Well, ist sets the current address to its square (PC = PC * PC). Had it been 0x0004 before, it’s now 0x0010 (dec.16).

But isn’t this ambiguous? How does this work?

Now, the emulator supports the following features for expressions:

Since we are not dealing with precedence (aside from unary prefix operators), we do not have to construct a complex, abstract syntax tree (AST) for expression, terms and factors, and using an arithmetic stack for resolving it. Rather, we can parse these neatly into a flat stack with a single result, using substacks for any groups to be solved in a recursive call.

This is equivalent to a simple state machine:

type:unary operator
(optional, multiple)
ary operator
(required or stop)
token:unary minus
low-byte operator
high-byte operator

open [
] end
state: 0
state: 1
solving:storeapply unary
apply to result

It can be shown that an expression is only valid, if it consists of at least one value (required) and stops at state #2. Only state #0 is optional, but may contain multiple ary operators (as in “<-1”, i.e. the low-byte of negative 1, which is 0xFF). There is no way to mistake the symbol “*” for the ary operator “*”.

Solving stacks and substacks is easy enough:

Since a stack must eventually advance to state #1 and must also exit in state #1, and this is also the sole state, where any operations are applied, there is also no way we may miss an operation.

We may see, how lean this is on resources and why this is commonly used by assemblers, especially, if groups are omitted, which would allow us to solve the expression in place (instead of introducing some kind of hierarchy, requiring extra storage of sorts).

This mechanism also allows us to improve the detection of zeropage address modes by tainting any values and declarations of word-size or word-format.


A = $04     ; byte-size
B = $0004   ; word-size (4 hex digits!)

LDA A+2     ; zeropage
LDA B+2     ; absolute (tainting propagated from symbol "B")


C = $0480    ; word-size
LDA <[C+2]   ; low-byte operator –> zeropage

If a symbol is unknown at pass 1, word-size is assumed (since we have to determine addresses at this stage), and we may wait for pass 2, whether the symbol will finally resolve (since it is defined later in the code) or not. However, if we assign to the current address symbol (“*”) and any symbol involved is undefined, we encounter an error in pass 1, since the address can't be determined. (This could be solved by applying another pass, but this really beyond the scope of a relatively simple assembler.)

When an address is eventually evaluated to determine address modes, the following rules apply:

  1. Forced notation:
    • If a load or store instructions is written in explicite byte-length notation (either using the “.b” extension to the mnemonic, as with more modern assemblers, or using the “*” prefix to the address, as with older assemblers), the address will be of byte-length (zeropage) and truncated, as necessary.
    • Conversely, if an instruction is written in explict word-length notation (using the “.w” extension to the mnemonic), its address will be always of word size, regardless of its actual value.
  2. Otherwise, there’s a common convention to tread addresses like “$0020” as word-sized operands (whereas “$20” would be a zeropage address). Generalizing on this for symbol definitions and expressions (where a word-length tainting acquired during parsing propagates to expression solving), we arrive at the following rules for automatic zeropage inference:
    • If an address is provided as a hex number of at least 4 digits, where the two leading digits are zeros, it will be considered of word-length.
      (This applies to both “$00..” and “0x00..” notation.)
    • If a symbol is defined using such a notation or by an expression including such a notation, it, and any values derived from it, will be considered of word size.
    • Similarly, the result of any expressions involving such a symbol or number will be considered to be of word-length, as well.
    • If a symbol is part of an expression and its value is yet unknown (but will resolve in pass 2), the result of the respective expression will be considered to be of word-length. (Because it could be anything and we just don’t know, yet.)
    • Unary byte-modifiers like “<” or “>” remove any such word-length tainting from the value they are applied to.
    • Finally, if there is no word-length tainting, the size of the result of any expression will be considered, when it is actually used as an address operand. I.e., if it fits in a single byte, it will be a zeropage mode, otherwise “normal” absolut address modes will be used.

A final note on the “magic” address symbol “*”: you may provide a second parameter on any assignments to specify an optional fill byte (otherwise, any gaps between compiled areas of code will be filled by zeros).


* = $800
* = $810

will result in no code generated (we’re just setting and resetting the program counter), while

* = $800
* = $810 0

results in 16 zero bytes (from 0x0800 to 0x080F) compiled.

Using assignments to “*” and optional fill-byte values, we can achieve any kind of fills, reserving of space, alignments to page bounderies, etc, without any special pseudo-instructions.


In spite of all these new features, the assembler still supports a wide variety of syntax formats and notations, providing compatibilty to both old and new styles.

E.g., these two notations are equivalent and result in the same binary code:

;MOS notation

* = $C000

       LDY *$20
LOOP   LDA $0080,Y
       ROL A
       STA ($C0)Y
       BNE LOOP
;modern style

.org 0xc000

       ldy.b 0x20
loop:  lda.w 0x80,y
       sta (0xc0),y
       bne loop

There are no special requirements regarding white space, other than there MUST be some white space between an opcode and its operand and that there MUST NOT be any white space in an operand, address, or value expression. (Both requirements are pretty common.)

Illegal Opcodes

In order to activate support for illegal opcodes (this is default off in order to avoid conflicts with any 3-letter labels used in any legacy code) use the pragma “.OPT ILLEGALS”. This will activate the following opcodes (and their common synonyms, here provided in parentheses) — well, here’s a bit of green-bar… ;-)

opc (synonyms) imp imm abs abX abY zpg zpX zpY inX inY
LXA (LAX imm) AB
RLA 2F 3F 3B 27 37 23 33
RRA 6F 7F 7B 67 77 63 73
SAX (AXS, AAX) 8F 87 97 83
SHA (AXA, AHX) 9F 93
SLO (ASO) 0F 1F 1B 07 17 03 13
SRE (LSE) 4F 5F 5B 47 57 43 53
NOP EA 80 0C 1C 04 14
DOP (SKB) 80 04 14


As we are eventually running out of highlights, there is still one left, namely some limited interoperability with the emulator: once you successfully assembled some code, a button “show in emulator” will show up below the code panel. Click this button to open the emulator (when not already opened previously) and set up the emulator in order to run this code. (Only the actual code will be inserted into memory, leaving the rest undesterbed — you may experiment on some pre-existing data —, and the CPU will be reset with PC pointing to the new start address.)

Disassembler (Updated, June 25, 2021)

The final piece in the Virtual 6502 suite is the disassembler.

Virtual 6502 disassembler
The disassembler in all its glory.

As all the other apps, it received support for illegal opcodes. As is the case with the assembler, this option is off by default — here, in order to facilitate an easy recognition of any data segments. (Usually, you want to get a broader overview first and then, maybe, refine the result.) But, if you want this feature, there’s a new checkbox in reach to activate the “illegal opcodes” option.

However, the real highlight is the newly adopted support for symbol tables. These may be again complex expressions, just as the ones used by the assembler. However, we are a bit more permissive on white space and also support normal parantheses (“(…)”) in addition to square brackets for grouping. And, of course, you may use symbols already defined in these expressions.

Symbol names may be separated from their value expressions by either a regular assignment (“=”), a colon (“,”), or just some white space (blanks). Meaning, you may reuse symbol definitions used by the assembler or even copy the symbol table as listed by the assembler. (The symbol table input supports drag & drop, just like the source panel, and has also a file-upload button of its own. So that you may save and reuse frequently used definitions as kind of an header file.)

To complete the circle, the disassembler lists the symbols in front of the disassembly with any symbols occuring as actual labels commented out, so that you may use the disassembly unchanged as an input to the assembler.

For this, there is an assembly-only view of the disassembly (without addresses or code literals), and there are even views without any labels and numeric values only, as well.

Virtual 6502 disassembler, alternative output format
Selecting a disassembly format that may be used directly in the assembler.

(Any unrecognized bytes will be automatically converted into “.BYTE” pseudo-instructions for these assemebler code views.)

Mind that using the “illegal opcodes” option an identical result on reassembly is not guaranteed, since there are multiple homonymous instructions (especially various “NOP” and “JAM” instructions.)

And this actuall all, folks. — Well, at least the essential stuff.

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