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Catching Up

Catching up on some software updates.

Illustation (abstract): generic announcement

Time to catch up on announcements…

Moreover, the Digital Library finally features Wittgenstein’s tractatus logico-philosophicus, which had been a safe bet for a candidate right from the beginning, because the unique proposition numbers of the tractatus and sequence numbers are a match made in heaven — or hell (you decide) — at least not at ground level. Diagrams are a bit difficult, though. (We have to admit, however interesting this may be, the inprint of punch card remains a somewhat questionable choice of media for literature.)

Digital Library Update

Expanding the catalog of questionable media for the sake of literature.

Logo: mass:werk Digital Library

Meanwhile, the mass:werk Digital Library has been busy expanding its catalog of nerdy presentations of famous works of literature. (The library currently has a focus on prototypical exponents of materialist philosophy, like Jane Austen.)

Minskytron Refurbished

Classic PDP-1 ‘display hacks’ emulation brought up to new standards.

PDP-1 emulation, running several 1960s graphics demos (Minskytron, Munching Squares, Snowflake)
The Minskytron, Munching Squares, Snowflake, and (my own) Snow Wave.

The emulation of the Minskytron and other so-called “display hacks” for the DEC PDP-1 is now en par with the Spacewar! emulation, in fact, it uses the same script and resources.

Check it out here,

The Minskytron and Other Early Graphics Demos @ PDP-1


Moreover, the emulation of David Mapes’ “Graphical Fun” has been overhauled, as well. (David Mapes invented at LLNL independently the same fast circle algorithm as Marvin Minsky and used it for animations similar to the Minskytron.)

Graphical Fun for the PDP-1 by David Mapes

Spacewar! is 60 Today!

The first digital video game just became 60.

Emulation of a PDP-1 running Spacewar!

Spacewar! 2B, the very version shown at the MIT’s Parent Weekend on Sat. 28 / Sun. 29 April, 1962, is labeled “2 Apr 62” — exactly 60 years ago today! Moreover, a first article on the game was published in the April 1962 issue of “Decuscope – Information for Digital Equipment Computer Users” (Vol. 1 No. 1, April 1962, pp 2 and 4).

Happy birthday!

To celebrate the event, the emulation was slightly overhauled, the appearance was updated and significant portions of the descriptive text were rewritten.

Check it out here,

Spacewar! on a virtual PDP-1

Nerdy Reading

Time for a summer romance.

Nerdy Reading
Alphabet illustration by Giovanni Pintori for Olivetti, 1966.

Well, another blog post, sort of. Also, a lush source of entertainment. Maybe an experiment, as well. You’d better take a look…

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Virtual 6502 — Another Update

A few new features for the 6502 online disassembler.

Illustation: MOS 6502 MPU

Another update to the “virtual 6502” disassembler, which has obtained a few new features regarding symbol tables:

Moreover, all the “virtual 6502” apps now support input and output in “&…” hex notion to comfort those who were tragically mislead by the BBC (while MOS made it quite clear that is “$…”). ;-)
(Seriously, I’ve really the highest respect for the BBC Micro, which was an enormous achievement.)

By this, the disassembler looks much like feature-complete.

New Old Game: Gravi-o-roids!

Presenting a new old-school video game just a few years late, totally unironically.

Illustation: an arcade cabinet

Back in 2017, I was asking myself — like about every other person on Earth has done so before ;-) —, what would a Spacewar!-like game with multiple gravitational attractors look like? Would it even be playable? Well, time for an experiment.

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Virtual 6502 — Update Round 2

Another major update to the venerable “Virtual 6502” emulator – assembler – disassembler suite.

Illustation: MOS 6502 MPU

I may have been a bit unresponsive over the last few days, but there is a reason for this. Namely, I invested most of my available time into another round of updates to the “Virtual 6502” suite, consisting of an emulator of the MOS 6502 MPU, an old-school assembler, and a respective disassembler. And this has been a major round of updates. Suffice to say, I think these venerable programs, which had been a bit basic and even dated by now, do now for a competent little suite of programs.

+++ Updated for an even improved version of the disassembler. (June 25, 2021) +++

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